Chapter 12-A secret revealed by the bloody dawn

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Most of the remaining Konoha forces were resting while a few were on guard duty. But away from the campsite that had been a village, a raven-haired and blonde Shinobi were sitting silently on twin piles of rubble. Naruto and Sasuke had their eyes closed and legs crossed; both looked as if they were deep in thought but they were meditating. Sasuke opened on eye and looked across at Naruto.

"I still don't know how you do this," he muttered, "especially with a mind as chaotic as yours."

"It just takes practice," Naruto said, barely moving, "but it gives you a chance to clear your mind."

"What are you two doing?" Gaara asked as he appeared from behind the pair.

"I'm trying to teach Sasuke how to meditate," Naruto replied.

"As if it wasn't bad enough when you decide to wall yourself off from the real world," Gaara moaned, "but Sakura is looking for both of you. Something about missing three meals in a row."

"I don't consider the rations we're getting a meal," Sasuke complained, eye's still closed.

"You know what Sakura's like when she's angry," Naruto said as he stood, "we'd better get going."

Naruto led the way back to the campsite, through the forest and ruins of Konoha. The blonde paled as the campsite and Sakura's angry face came into view. Naruto debated weather it was worth hiding behind Gaara but Hinata came to his rescue before Sakura could start lecturing him.

Hinata grabbed Naruto's hand and dragged him towards the mess tent. After Naruto had collected his food, she made him sit next to her at the fire. Hinata looked at Naruto intently, making sure he ate. Meanwhile Sakura had turned her attention and anger towards Sasuke.

The light conversation around the fire soon petered out as other ninja retired to their beds. Soon Hinata's eyes drooped and he slumped sideways, resting her head on Naruto's shoulder. Naruto put his now empty tray aside and put his arm around Hinata's shoulder. As the fire started to die, Naruto decided he would also go to bed. He gathered Hinata into his arms.

It'll all end soon. Neither side has much strength left. Naruto thought as he strode off towards the Hyuuga compound, Hinata still asleep in his arms.

Sasuke gave up on sleep and slipped out of his tent. He ignored the threat of rain the clouds carried and strode off through the ruins. The dark haired Shinobi wandered without thinking, lost in his own memories. He looked around as an owl broke the night's silence. The entrance to the Uchiha district was before him. Sasuke gritted his teeth and stepped into the Uchiha streets. It felt strange to Sasuke seeing the streets he'd grown up on now in ruins. A flicker of movement caught Sasuke's eye and he turned to look but the street was empty. He continued through the district, remembering a time long before the incident with Itachi. The long abandoned main house appeared before Sasuke and he crossed its courtyard without thinking. He paused at the front door before going inside. The plaster of the walls was crumbling after being neglected for such a long time. Sasuke cursed as his foot went through a rotting floorboard. He hauled his foot free and continued through the house. He looked into a room as he passed and saw his old bedroom.

Sasuke's attention was ripped from his room by a flicker of movement as it vanished around a corner. He gave chase, rushing after the shadow. Every time he rounded a corner, the shadow vanished around another. After a few minutes of chasing the flicker, Sasuke's Sharingan flared in anger. Even with his bloodline trait, he still couldn't tell what the shadow was. Sasuke skidded around another corner and saw the main hall before him. He cautiously entered, treading carefully over the crumbling boards. Even in the poor light, Sasuke could see the shadow had vanished. Sasuke whipped around as a hated voice met his ears.

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