Chapter 10- Waking nightmare

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The Hyuuga compound was in uproar. The news of Naruto's lineage and Hinata's disappearance had sent the council into a frenzy of meetings that all dissolved into arguments.

"That monster can't be related to the fourth!" the oldest Hyuuga yelled.

"Are you calling the Hokage a liar? Hiashi said she was named as the attending when the boy was born," a female council member countered.

"There is the possibility the certificate is forged."

"Watch your tongue, that talk could be considered treason."

"Well, there is that possibility; she is fond of the fox brat."

Hiashi sat in silence letting the council argue, he was jerked back to reality as the eldest council member slammed his hands down on the table.

"If he is the son of the fourth, then he must prove it!" the old man yelled.

"He has already mastered the fourth's jutsu, the Rasengan. And created two unique variants of it."

"That proves nothing! The Sanin Jiraiya also mastered the Rasengan!"

"You can't deny the resemblance with the fourth."

"Coincidence," the old man said imperiously.

"You seem almost desperate to ignore or dismiss his lineage," the woman muttered.

"Enough!" the council leader bellowed, "If he is the son of the fourth, he must prove himself."

Cricket chirps pierced the evening air as Sakura stirred the ashes of the drying fire in font of her, trying to keep it going. Sasuke appeared, carrying more fuel for the fire. He dropped it near the fire and sat next to Sakura. A groan made both ninja look up as Naruto flopped down next to Sasuke and Sakura with a tired expression.

"Something wrong?" Sasuke asked, already knowing the answer.

"If one more person asks if I'm really the son of the fourth again I swear I'll let the fox take control."

"What did you expect?" Sakura noted, "The most hated boy in the village is revealed to be the son of the one who defeated the nine-tails is going to be a surprise."

"Why didn't I just beat Hiashi senseless?" Naruto groaned.

"Where's Hinata by the way?" Sasuke asked changing the subject.

"I'm not saying. I wouldn't put it past Hiashi or the Hyuuga council to spy on me."

"They really don't like you," Sakura muttered.

"Nope," Naruto said and yawned.

"Have either of you had a decent night's sleep recently?" Sasuke asked.

Sakura and Naruto both shook their heads.

"Most of the sound attacks come at dawn or dusk. They're ruining my beauty sleep," Sakura added.

"Once this is all over, I'm going back to Suna with Hinata and not getting out of bed for at a month."

Naruto flushed as he realised what he'd just said. Sasuke smirked as Sakura looked like she was about to punch him.

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