Burning in the flames of hell

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                                 "Hell is empty and all the devils are here!"
                                                                                  William Shakespeare


i don't talk to any one here, there all crazy. I joined a group hoping it would serve as some sort of entertainment "the devils kiss" never knew why the group named it that, I personally would of named it the Devils angles. Let's face it, we are the true angles. One day I am going to storm through heaven and have a nice friendly chat with God, Starting to the point "why the fuck am I here?" It is said that he forgives every one, Hahahahaha BULLSHIT! Are you telling me I'm like those dick heads. To my right I have a guy who raped twelve women and to my left the nutcase created a blood bath during the 1500's these men were nothing but pure evil. Not me. I was not like them.
Everything  I did in my human life was for the better of my family. I passed away 2 weeks ago, age 24. The number seems so young though I feel too old. My  life was really shitty, I rather not go into detail but I guess will blame God for blessing me with a shitty parents.
How did I die?
My fucking brother shot me. That's all I'll say.
And so I am here, joined a good for nothing group, sitting at a table with a rapist and a cereal killer playing a rigged game of cards.

I always saw hell as a place of darkness and fire. Man was I wrong. Hell was similar To earth, with minor adjustments the seas are full of dead souls, trees are pure grey and as tall as the sky. There was a rumour saying if you were to climb the tree it would take up to a week to reach the top. Other rumours say it is what keeps hell below and heaven above. As for Devils, we have nothing but a pair of jet black wings, a tail and a set of horns, which makes sleeping difficult. No more sleeping on my stomach. 

In hell you have to look out for yourself.
Care for an example?
well the two men who are siting besides me are now fighting. Over what? Who knows, must of been something childish. Looking down at my cards I see I have three kings of hearts, I through the cards down removing my self from the scene. The game was getting boring anyway.

I walked outside of the clubs bar looking up to the trees. These damn things sure do block out a lot light.
Good luck getting a tan here.
"BATHIN! MATE!" I know that Aussie accent any where, Damian.
Damian was my older brother by a year, he has been in the burning flames for 5 years now his once ash blond hair now turned to a deep shade of purple, his finger nails grew long and sharp, it was nice to see he still had his medusa piercing. It reminds me of when I was 16, the fucker dragged me with him to get his piercing then wanted me to get one. I got myself an industrial. A long black bar that slice horizontally in my ear. I think Damian was to much of a pussy of not going and getting it pierced himself.
"How's your little blood blister?"
"Haven't seen her"
"Well I have" he chuckled doing a girlish like spin.
"What are you a fag? And since when do you talk about my little sister?"
"Oy! Wash your mouth with soap. It's called bisexual" he glared yet cracked a grin as if he was the Cheshire Cat.
"Ok come clean, what did you do to her?"
"Never mind that, never mind that" he placed his arm over my shoulder,
"I need a Favour from you"
"Cut to the point" I push him away, giving myself some air.
"The Devils kiss commences there mission within an hour, so I want you to come back with a Freebi"
"Damian I'm not the fucking tooth fairy" Damian, originally was a member In the Devils kiss, though he was removed after he took matters into his own hands. Damian never told me the whole story but if it's one thing I know Damian did not like taking orders, it's ether his way or the high way, I was not afraid of him, I could take him though... being the tooth fairy would be nice. I get $5 here and there id be rich in no time.
"Mate it's just feathers from a angels, it's not too hard" I raised an eye brow In disbelief.
"I'll think about it....well I'm off"
"You better or else I'll do more then fucking your sister" he chuckled disappearing into the bar.
Well then... Guess I have no choice.

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