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There are five worlds, heaven, midpoint, land of the living, hell.
When preparing for battle we fight in the world of midpoint. It is a place that both angles and demons can go and is where the spirits awaits waiting to be judge. There is a group named the Devils kiss, a group of poor souls who believe they belong in heaven. How blind where they.

I'm an angle who has been excepted through the golden gates for a year now.
God means a lot to me, he gave me life and protected me during my life on earth. My life may have been short lived but I thank the lord of every breath I was able to live. In return I would protect his kingdom and remain The peace we have here in heaven. My job was to work in midpoint helping the souls who seem lost or confused and making sure no devil cause any trouble. It's a dangerous job, but it beats sitting down listening prayers all day.

I have been patrolling the north side of the world of midpoint. No demons so far. I think it's time for a break. I slipped off my gold shoes sitting down on the bright green grass. Stretching my feet smiling to myself. Taking in my surrounding and nature of midpoint. It truly was beautiful, the white roses and the giant water fall down the stream takes your breath away.... Well it would if I was still alive. I looked up watching as the heavenly birds flew by singing a tune. Even the animals who live in midpoint seem happy. I then laid onto the ground feeling more relax. I closed my eyes enjoying the ray of sun hitting my face.

I was awoken. By a sharp pain. I opened my eyes instantly getting up. How foolish could I be. My friends are out protecting lost souls from demons and I took a nap. Unforgivable. I should at least say ten hail Mary's.
"Well you are a stupid girl" i jumped back in shock seeing a demon in front of my eyes! It makes sense, I got caught up in my guilt I never knew what pain caused me to wake up. Well I got a hint. The demon had Black short hair, making his crystal blue eyes stand out, a pair of brows rough horns, jet black Leathern wing. He was a tall demon and looked very threatening. His hands were held behind his back. Was he hiding something from me?
"Well I shouldn't be rude to you, since you did not put up a fight, thank you for the feather" he removed one hand and held up a white feather. He plucked it of my wings. So that's what woke me up!
Now I was angry. When a demon gets hold of a angles feather they have the ability to shape shift into the angle they plucked the feather from. THAT ANGEL WAS ME.... I was going to be In so much trouble, with the saints. What excuse should I use. No! I must not lie, this is what happens when you take a nap in midpoint.
"GIVE IT BACK" I yelled with anger leaping to him
"You seem mad" he stepped aside moving out of my way
"What's your name?"
"That's none of your business demon." Chapter 6 section 12 never have small talk with a demon.

"me the demon?"He glared at me showing off his pointy teeth,
"Remember this Angel, you are the true demon"
He stepped forward pushing me to the ground, i pulled out my crucifix from my left pocket holding it out to him.
"If you are the angel say you love god" I smirked leaning close to him as he backed away from the crucifix allowing me to stand.
"SAY YOU LOVE GOD!" I said raising my voice,
"I WORSHIP THE DEVIL. HE IS THE ONE WHO SHOULD RUEL!" He yelled stretching his Leathern wings hiding his face.
"Your wrong, your God is corrupt, full of lies and enjoys nothing but torture!"
"Am I now." His wings spread out, revealing his face agin, his wings through me to the floor as he used the opportunity to place the feather in his pocket. "We are two souls," he spoke walking over to me " in two different worlds you call your self good, you call me bad, you dress in white i dress in black, so what is the difference, demon angel... We all have one deep down inside us," I flew up from the ground looking down at him, he lifted his head.
"There is no such thing as pure evil, nor there is such thing as pure good. Just think about that next time.... Bianca"
"Bianca?" Did he honestly just got me confused with another angle.
"My name is not Bianca its" though before I could finish my sentence he disappeared.

I landed back on the grass I started to think about what he said. Was it true... It does make sense... NO! His a demon that's what they do. His tricking you trying to dig into your thoughts find out your weakness and use it to his advantage. Yes I made a mistake. I should have not slacked off. God only forgives you if you forgive yourself first.

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