On the high way to hell.

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She looked up In shock almost tumbling off the couch, awoken from her deep sleep, Biancas eyes grew a deep dark red, her hands held out in front of, grasping onto the arm rest of the leathered couch. She arched her back and slowly stretched her black wings out.
"Relax Bianca! it's me!" I assured her slowly walking towards her closing the door behind me. She blinked her eyes a few times, to transition to her natural brown eye colour. She finally recognised me.
"I thought you were-" her voice cracked, looking away.
I smiled embracing her. She softly sob, sinking her head into my shoulder. I hated to see her like this. And I know for a fact it's mainly my fault. She's always worrying about me. Now that I escaped heaven I had to get her and I out of here. Damian and the angles will be hunting me down like a nazi searching for a lost Jew. So I'm gonna have to come up with something and fast!
"Bianca, please dry those tears" I lifted her chin so she could face me.
"Why weren't you here when I needed you!" She pushed me to the floor, walking away from the couch walking towards towards a gothic type book shelf. The book shelf almost looked like a Halloween decoration She always was a book warm, her favourite genre was comedy and Those girlish books. My guess is she reads them to put her self in a place other then earth.. I mean hell.
"Bianca, let me explain"
"NO BRAD! IM IN HELL RIGHT NOW! AND YOU NEVER VISITED ME! YOU PROMISE YOU WOULD PROTECT ME YOU-" tsk, now she is getting on my last nerve. Don't blame me cause of your death.
"Shut up!" I flew up almost hitting my head from the ceiling.
Everything stood still,
The only thing that seems to be in motion was her stream of tears.
"Bianca I-" i broke the silence, I flew down facing her "it hasn't been easy for none of us,
Damian got me to do something risky.. And I know his bad news but I thought doing what he request would keep you safe and In peace"
"You think Damian having him ordering you around would keep me at peace" she slapped me across the face. Though I did not cringe or hesitate, i deserved that hit.
"Your an idiot brad, do you have any ideas how many times he rap-"
"Don't you fucking dare bring that up or mention it. I'm aware of that and I Am going to make that sorry soul pay! Next asshole who touches you I will kill em!"
"Kill them? Ha! Souls can't die" she chuckled.
"There is a way, the white flame" I smirked, landing on my tow feet.
"White flame?"
"Yes it is what I'm sentenced for"
"Sentenced?!" She yelled!
"Look long story short thanks to dick face, I got angles who are going to sentence me to death." I swallowed hard thinking about it. I would not mind ending it all. I've had enough with all this bullshit but I still have goals that are not yet reached and I won't let anything interrupt those plans.
"Come with me!" I grabbed her wrist pulling her towards me as I burst open the front door.
"To where?" Fuck where will we go. Definitely not midpoint, no where in hell....UNLESS!
"The deepest part of hell"
her jaw drooped.
She must of thought I was crazy or joking. But no.. I was dead serious.
I was well aware of what I was getting myself into. That place is so terrifying not even us "normal" demons step foot there. The area does not even have a name! But basically that's where you get your demons who seek refuge on earth. I don't know why they would want to possess people but hey each to there own its none of my business. You also get your beast, which is some fucked up animal. I'm not even going to describe how they look cause I myself never saw one but what I do know is that they have red glowing eyes and a goat or pig like face, That will attack anything, including us Demons. We were angles compared to them. So why go there. Because no angles would step foot into that place. It's so corrupt and dangerous only the power of Prayer could save your ass. Heck, prayer is hard! Prayer only saves you if you completely have faith in God. Imagine this. you would jump off a building and expect God to catch you. That's how much you must believe in him in order for prayer to save you. Damian would too not be foolish enough nor have the balls to step foot in the deep. So me and Bianca are just going to have to do our best to blend in and just role with the flow.
"Bianca if this is going to work you have to stop calling me Brad!" So yeah my real name Brad... You can tell that no thought went into my name...Fucking parents.
"But I hate the name Bathin"
"No not even Bathin!" I had to change my identity. If we were to fit in we had to be fucking tough and blend it
We took off flying away from our homeland.
"Bianca we also have to change your name!"
"Well I always liked the name Chloe" she nervously said pushing her hair behind her ear.
"It sounds too.." Is she for real?
"Too nice"
"NEIN!" I flew In front of her. "Your now.... Raven!"
"Raven?" She crossed her eyebrows.
"I sound like some goth"
"too bad, your name is raven so deal with it!"
There was a long pause. She is obviously frustrated at me. Dragging her into all this. But what other choice did I have.
"Faggot" she mumbled looking away.
Here comes the assaults.
"Bitch" I smirked sticking my tongue out.
"Asshole" she began to chuckle
And it went on and on and on

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