Your it

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Each angel receives a mirror, when excepted into heaven. It's a wonderful gift. The mirror has the ability to watch over the people you know, love and care about. The mirror also starts to glow when ever a living person is praying for you. It also alerts you when ever someone is visiting your grave or ashes, Cool right!

Lately, I have been watching my father, a few days ago he suffered a stroke, perhaps it was from all the stress his film has been giving him. Smoking does not help it ether. Dad is 54 and is a heavy smoker. Very heavy. Sometimes he would smoke one whole pack in just one day. Two packets in winter. I never understand why my father smoked, but he just told me back in his day it was normals for men to smoke. He also said you were manly, and was a thing ladies loved. He has gotten so use to cigarettes that when he found out around the 70's that cigarettes effected his health it was too late. He was addicted. Why on earth would you want to stick a cancer stick in between your teeth and light the flame, letting hell burn threw your lungs, Killing you slowly. As a child I use to hide the cigarets in the walls of our mansion. Behind paintings, book shelves and even throw them into the cellar of our mansion. It would take him days to find.

I brought the mirror close to my lips giving it a kiss, saying a prayer for my father. I hope God will answers my prayer and continue to watch over him.

Back at work, I was no longer guarding Bathin. Maybe it was for the best. I did talk a lot with him yesterday and we did have a few things in common. There is just something about him, that I have not yet worked out. Something..... Good?
My mangers believed that I should stay away from him, for my own safety. I think their right. Demons are known for getting into people's minds, using you as there own entertainment, enjoying their entertainment for their sick humour, yea I think I might be stumbling into that trap.

I stood still for a minute?
Just one glance.
One glance then I'll be gone.
Just to see if he was ok.
I Walked pass his cell.. He was painting something on the wall. I could not tell what it was from the angle I was standing on. All I saw was a paint brush in his left hand. And a sleepy looking angle, sitting on a Woden chair besides Bathin's prison. The Angels name was Sam. He must of supplied the equipment for Bathin. How kind was he! I have never spoke to Sam before but I have heard that he is a very caring and understanding person. He helps  a lot of angels and have been in heaven for over 500 years now. god has even requested to see Sam personally! to applaud him in his work in person and soul. He is one of the few angels who have seen god him self. My friend  a Eve and I believe that Sam will one day become a saint.
Let's cross our fingers.

Bathin looked up from the wall turning his head, laying his eyes on me
I gave him a smile and a wave.
Bathin smirked and just saluted like some nazi hailing to the all might Adolf Hitler.
rolling my eyes at his cruel sense of humour, I chuckled getting back to my job.

I walked into the training room searching for Eve... Where was she?
It was rare for her to be late.

"Angela" for a second I thought it was Eve but no it was Mary, she tapped me on the shoulder. With a serious look on her face.
"Oh Hello, sister Mary." I said fixing my posture.
"Im sorry to disturb but I just believe that I should inform you about mr Crook."
"Bathin Crook?"
She nodded her head.
"What happened?"
"Well the saints have spoke" she looked to the floor with a slight frown then raised her head up.
"He will be burnt by the white flame tomorrow evening"
I could not believe my ears. White Flame! That's a souls worst nightmare. my god Angela Why are you surprised. He could of over took Heaven. Then you would be a slave for the savage beast!
"Angela I saw the two of you talking yesterday, and it sounded like the two of you where getting along. I don't want you getting attached to him. He could of doomed us all."
"I know, Sister maybe maybe"
"Angela, stop. This is what I fear He has already gotten to your head" Mary frowned,
"No his good. We cant have him executed! There is good in him I can see it, I can sense it his just... Misunderstood, if you have just listen to his story as a child then-" my mouth closed as I saw Mary's glare, I can see it now. I'm going to be off to hell. Good bye heaven!
"I'm sorry" I muttered bowing my head.
"Don't be. His gotten to you, forget about him stay away from him... Trust me I know exactly how you feel" she placed her hand on my shoulder "
do it for your own safety." And with that she walked away.
What did she mean by I know how you feel?
"ANGELA ANGELA SORRY IM LATE!" Eve burst in her red hair in a mess as she bent down to catch her breath.
"Let us start training"
"Eve, what happened?" I said shaking her hand.
"Long story I'll tell you tommorow"

I finished with training, thinking about Bathin all day made my head spin. Maybe I should see him one last time. I wonder if his painting was finished yet? Maybe he would let me see. Even though I should not be going If he was going to be no longer with us, then I would at least like to say my goodbyes.

"Good evening Sam" I smiled shyly."I noticed Bathin has been painting, did you provide him the materials."
Sam looked in shock though nervously chuckled and cracked a smile,
"I hope your not mad,"
"I'm not mad, I glad you gave him something to do" I smiled
"Well grand, isn't he a fantastic artist,"
I looked over at the painting to see a black beautiful cat.
"You will just have to make sure sister Mary does not find out" I giggled covering my mouth
"And I think hiding that wall is going to be some what if a challenge"
He tilted his head and laughed. "Make sure you pray for me"
Sam was an actual charming person. His hair was the colour of the sun, his eyes were the colour of water and his lips were like a peach. He was perfect in all ways. Like a prince!
"Bathin is actually a well behaved Demon, his talkative I'll give you that." Sam glanced over at him.
"Ah now I see why you go him to paint"
"You could  say that." He scratched his head. Honestly if angles were allowed to have a romantic partner I would totally take this guy! But rule no.5 no romantic relationships. But I guess its find to have him as a crush.
"I can hear you assholes!" Bathin yelled out from the cell
"Don't talk shi- ouch my tounge" 
Sam signed
"Easy with the language Bathin. Would you like some water"
Bathin shook his head
Sam then closed his eyes letting out a yawn, "are you the Angel who is taking my next shift?"
"Yes" That was a lie!
"Great, thank you Angela" Sam tapped the bars of the cell, grabbing Bathin's attention.
"It was nice meeting you  Bathin, next time we meet I'll bring the bible I was talking to you about"
"Yeah yeah not interested bye" Bathin waved his hand then resumed back to painting. How rude!

"The painting of the black cat is so cute"
"Luna" he frowned,
"Who's Luna?" I asked sticking my head in the bars.
"My cat! back when I was breathing, I use to paint all sorts of things, starting with my cat. From that it went to portraits, landscapes, anime, and now....." He paused taking a step back looking at the painting "it's just a fucking mess" Bathin threw the paints on the floor. Oh dear what a mess.
"Why did you lie?" He smirked.

I froze. my heart started to beat fast, he knew that i was not suppose to be here. He caught me in a lie. Why was I doing this to my self. Why am I feeling nervous right now. Why do I feel weak? Why am I standing here talking to him?

"To save you" I answered my question. My mouth is being rebellious to my mind.
"YOU ARE GOING TO DIE," I suddenly yelled, glancing from left to right scanning the room. No angel in sight. Good.

Unlocking the gate I stepped foot into his cell, crouching down next to him,
"You are going to be burnt by the white flame, if you don't get out of here"
"This is funny, a angel helping a demon like me.... What's go on?" He laughed placing his hand on my shoulders. "Or maybe you like me?"
'What" I jerked back, what was he saying? Like him? No, no way.
"Relax no need to be defensive about it" he stood up dusting the dirt off his pants as he stepped out of the cell.
"This is going to get you in trouble."
I frowned wondering what my punishment might be.
"Now cause you saved my ass" he  walked up towards me.
"Allow me to return the favour" he smirked punching me in the stomach. I feel to the floor in pain. I could feel blood coming up my throat. I griped onto my stomach in pain, jeez nice one. He walked back out of the cage, closing the gate locking me in.
"don't forget me Angela I hella won't"
He stretched out his wings and flew up making a huge hole in the ceiling
then it all went

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