Chapter 27: Love Note (part 1)

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The day was finally here, Alex had been putting this day off for a long time, not really know how she felt about all the attention on her. She wasn't used to feeling...pretty. She was used to scrubs, shorts, pants and t shirts. She liked combat boots or her sneakers, pony tails and hard work. Putting a dress on, and having her hair done with made her feel self conscious. But with the insistence of the girls she finally relented, Minho also helped convince her.

So here she sat, in a chair in front of a mirror, Teresa was brushing her hair, getting ready to pin it up. Alex could feel the nerves, it made her feel sick. She sat quietly, tense, watching Tes's hands expertly brush, and pin.

"Alex. Breath." Tes laughed.

Alex exhaled the breath she didn't know she was holding. She twisted her fingers around instead.

Sonya had a wiggling over excited Reagan in front of her, trying to pin her hair, but ended up giving up, and braided it instead.

"You know this is supposed to be a fun day, we aren't marching you to the gallows!" Sonya teased.

"I think I would be less nervous going to the gallows than all's just so..extra!" Alex whined.

"You? Whining about extra? Look who your meeting at the end of the isle, woman! Minho is the king of extra!" Brenda laughed, she was pinning Chloe's hair up into a loose bun at the base of her neck.

"Touche, shanket, touche." Alex let a small smile show.

"Knock knock." Simon pocked his head in the door and knocked his knuckles on the door frame.

"Uncle Salamander!" Reagan squealed, she hopped off the chair and sprinted to him and launched into his arms.

"Hey! Where's my hug?" Newt chuckled, walking in behind Simon.

"Uncle Newt!" She squealed again.

She jumped into his arms, he caught her and spun her around, placing her gently on the ground. "My my. Don't you look beautiful!" The guys twirled her around, making her dress spin. Simon smiled, his light blue eyes sparkling, watching the little girl spin with a wild giggle. He looked up to Chloe.

"Lets see! I want a spin! Lets see the dress!" He chuckled as Chloe leapt up and spun for him.

"You are both beautiful princesses! Now where is the Queen?" Newt chuckled. His eyes landed on Alex who sat quietly, nervously, in the chair, watching the girls spin for their uncles.

"There she is." Newt smiled at her, "I come bearing gifts." Newt walked over to Alex, grabbing Sonya's hand and pulling her over, leaving Simon to twirl and gush over the little girls. Brenda, Kenzie, Tes and Harriot all gave the siblings some space.

"Gifts?" Alex asked, her voice was tight. She wasn't sure why she was so nervous.

"Yes." Newt smiled.

"But I just wanted to say to both of you, I love you! So much. I know this is your special Alex, but..I just wanted to say that I love you both, and to thank you. I honestly would not be here without you. And today..just seemed like a good day to say it. Again." Newt smiled at his sisters, tears in his gentle brown eyes.

"Oh Newt..." Alex started, tears forming in her eyes, "The shuck is wrong with me?!" She blinked rapidly, looking at the ceiling, fanning her face, trying to keep the tears from falling. "I'm shucken' worried about makeup! Who am I?" She laughed, but her voice breaking from emotion.

Newt and Sonya both chuckled at her.

"You're a bride. On her bloody wedding day, you shuck face." Newt chuckled.

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