~Reactions to the injuries

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We reach the Slytherin Common room and step inside Barty And Evan look over at me quickly then they see the blood and the limp. The jump to their feet and rush over too me. Which wasn't unexpected but it certainly wasn't needed.

"Regulus? Are you okay what happened? Who did this too you? Did you do it too yourself?" I can heat the panic in Evans voice. Barty and Evan go to either side of me and help me too the couch. My foot is now in crippling pain. "Evan I am perfectly fine and of course I didn't fucking do it too myself" I sit on the arm chair both of them standing infront of me.

"Regul-" Barty gets interrupted by Pandora walking in. Shit. She's going to panic. I put my hand up against my forehead and tilt my head down. "Reggie, are you okay?" Pandora crouches beside me. She tilts my head back up. "Don't hide your face from me, reggie. I just want to help" I can hear the sheer amount of panic in her voice. She hides it with a smile.

"Pandora, I am completely fine. Its just a minor little cut and a nose bleed" She is not taking that as an answer. I can see how concerned she is. "Reggie. Your bleeding badly. You have blood pouring down your face and your ankle is absolutely horrendous to look at" I look down and see my ankle is bleeding badly and swollen already.

"His ankles are slutty" Barty says as a joke but Pandora doesn't look pleased. "Bartemius Crouch, keep your eyes of my ankles and do not call any part of my slutty or you will regret it awfully bad" I glare at him coldly too send the message I'm not pleased.

"Reggie, will you please tell me what happened too you?" Pandora looks at me kindly. "Pandora I'm absolutely fine and I don't particularly want to give the whole  slytherin a bedtime story on how I got hurt." I say looking at her.

"Can we go up too your dorm and you tell me? Please Regulus I promise I won't tell anyone" She says pleadfully. "Fine, but I don't remember majority of it"

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