Chapter 17: the counter

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We were finally able to take some distance from each other after sharing just a few more kisses. I couldn't stop the grin from spreading on my face at knowing that we were finally in a happy place.

I didn't have to keep pushing her away or convincing myself that it was for the better. But I still couldn't believe that someone like Pri wanted me as much as I wanted her.

When we finally arrived at the patio together, everyone was already seated and eating because we did take some time to get ready. Occasionally stealing glances at the other as we dried ourselves off.

Taking one look at Ingrid, she had the biggest smirk on her face, obviously thrilled that we were in a good place now. If you would ask her, she would tell you that it's because of the bikini that she picked out for me.

I was in too good of a mood to let myself get annoyed by her teasing. But she wasn't the only one who noticed as Natalie exclaimed "you two look happy." I replied smoothly, not wanting to give anything away "we are just very excited about the new season", which wasn't exactly a lie.

She seemed to buy it, so that's what matters. And while I was still very frustrated about the interruption, I couldn't stay mad at the food that they made.

If you ask anyone who knows me, they will tell you that I am obsessed with good food, especially burgers which they had also prepared. I only noticed how starving I was as I began to eat.

Because we all had to fit onto the patio, we were all sitting very cozy and close next to each other. And because Pri and I were the latest to arrive, we got to squeeze into a love seat that was left.

Which I didn't mind one bit, I had missed just being close to her while being with the others because I had felt like we needed to hide how we were feeling these days.

But now we didn't have to pretend anymore, well maybe still a little, but we could finally act a little more natural around each other.

The rest of the evening went by pretty uneventful with a lot of laughter from everyone who was really excited about the prospect of the next season. Well of course besides the fact that I was still very much turned on from my encounters with Buiar.

I still didn't know what was going to happen tonight and where because our stuff was still in two separate hotel rooms, but those were problems for later. The current problem, being my aroused self, would need quicker solving.

I honestly debated just dragging Pri to the nearest bathroom to just get it out of my system for tonight but that was not at all what I wanted. No, I wanted to thoroughly enjoy my night with her, one way or another. So I sucked it up and maintained my composure. Ingrid was enjoying herself way too much with my apparent frustration that she could spot from miles away.

So when the largest part of the crew had already departed, I got an idea. If we just stayed long enough, we could get the entire house for ourselves. It's not like we would be returning soon, only when we would start filming the next episodes which would be in a few months.

I could tell that Pri was nervous about what tonight would bring and what it would mean for us, but I stayed by her side, trying to show her that I meant what I said in the pool. We would be finishing it tonight.

It did however get a little weird with Ingrid near us, knowing what happened the last 24 hours and it was clear that Buiar still didn't understand what was going on and I couldn't blame her.

One moment, Ingrid was openly flirting with me and literally leaving a hickey, the other moment, she was actively attempting to give us some private time. So had told Pri during the evening that I would be explaining It soon. But I had no idea how she would react to my explanation, but that's a problem for later.

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