"A lake is a landscape's most beautiful and expressive feature. It is Earth's eye; looking into which the beholder measures the depth of his own nature."
In which two cousins go on a journey that will change both of their lives forever.
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(lost souls)
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DAMN I BANGED MY HEAD A LITTLE TOO AGGRESSIVELY ON THAT TABLE. After finishing her early lunch, AZ had actually taken a little nap on the table before she was woken by Bree, who was ready to eat her lunch. Sitting across from each other they had talked a bit, though AZ could feel a little bit of hesitancy concerning her cousin. How could you continue a conversation after a life threatening situation? It was becoming too common for them these days.
But as she looked at her cousin who was munching on two burgers (which at one point AZ went to grab a piece but got a yell from Bree) She was happy to see her cousin was feeling much better compared to the hell that was last night. So after finishing her lunch, eventually Bree gave in and shared a piece of her burger which AZ happily accepted. They ventured off for their meeting with Patricia at the Arboretum.
What surprised to find them there was that the therapist was not alone this time. She was sitting with a young Black woman just a few years older than them. She has large, dark eyes behind round glasses, red brown skin, and hair that runs slick and tight against her scalp before it blooms into a wide, soft puff at her crown. While Bree stared, AZ settled for a wave, albeit a little awkward but the girl waved back.