"A lake is a landscape's most beautiful and expressive feature. It is Earth's eye; looking into which the beholder measures the depth of his own nature."
In which two cousins go on a journey that will change both of their lives forever.
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IT HAD TAKEN AZ A WHILE TO ACCUSTOM TO BEING ABLE TO HANDLE HER GRANDMOTHER. Who eventually started sleeping peacefully calming everything down within the girl. It was good that Nadia was there. It felt reassuring that even though AZ hadn't met her, she would feel protected and watched over by a family member. To help reassure her on things. After meeting with Patricia she decided to focus on her next training lesson. Apparently Owen had instructed that instead of the training rooms they would actually be sparring in the woods area.
"I wonder." AZ looks up from one of her school textbooks she was reading when she heard Kayla speak in front of her. The redhead seemed to be fixated on something, reading off her sketchbook. She sees Gideon from next to her and also looks up.
"What is it roomie?" Kayla tilted her head looking at some sort of pamphlet.
"They're holding an opening downtown." The redhead shares. AZ could tell from the way her roommate brightened that she thought of an exciting idea. "Of a new arcade!" She smiles, brightening meeting eyes with AZ and trying to meet eyes with Gideon who slightly tilts his head in interest but quickly goes back to focusing on his genetics homework.