Abandoned puppy or dangerous mutt?

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Cale pov**

Things continued to be weird.

As of the morning, Ron continued with those strange expressions and actions, almost completely stepping out of the boundary that both had created for each other.
Beacrox was responsible for all meals too, and from what I know or what I've heard from the rumors, he wasn't the biggest fan of cooking for me, which made this or that demand to cook for me out of nowhere ten times more suspicious and strange.
But anyway, all the meals were delicious, especially that spicy pasta he made for me! I don't know how he found out that I like spicy things but anyway, that's good for me at least.

Hans was also weird as fuck, spending the day almost jumping with excitement and showing up in my room for no reason, I ended up having to use the rudest tone in existence, and threaten him to stop hanging around me, and the bastard at the same time. he didn't even seem upset by the rude tone or the threat, but apparently he didn't like to let go of me (he walked away from me looking a mix between sulking and pissed off)

Cale had to go into the greenhouse for a bit to escape the three of them.
He was going to drink as he usually does, but it looked like the three of them did their best to make sure Cale didn't leave the Hanituse estate early, as if they were afraid I'd disappear or that something really bad would happen if they took their eyes off me.

And it was freaky as fuck.

Example: Beacrox, yes, BEACROX! One of the most anti-social people in history, went to get apples from one of the apple trees near Cale's bedroom window.

"Ah but what about Cale? he just wanted apples!"


Plus Cale was sure to catch him squinting at Cale's bedroom window from time to time.

Scary as fuck.

So I had to miraculously get out of my room before the usual time, and halfway to the kitchen to grab a bottle of wine or something to munch on trying to get rid of Beacrox's gaze, but like nothing in my life ever goes out like this. As expected, like magic Beacrox's father appeared.

Ron asked if I was going to watch the knights practice today, as if I do that often, and I haven't done it in years! I did it when I was younger because I thought it was cool and I wanted to be strong too, but I stopped a long time ago, and Ron asking that made him look even more suspicious.

I obviously denied him, presenting him with an expression that made it obvious that I thought his question was suspicious and nonsensical, but the man just opened an amused smile.

I said I was going to get some wine ALONE but he still followed me into the kitchen, completely ignoring my desire to be alone, or honestly, to get away from them.

And when we arrived, the man stared at the wine as he poured it into the glass, I always knew that the old man always liked alcoholic beverages, he even enjoyed them sometimes, so I thought he wanted to drink so that's why I came with me, so I offered him a glass of wine.

And he refused (obviously he would, it was service time after all)

And I changed my tone to an order, took another glass from the cupboard, poured the proper amount of wine, and placed it in front of him.

With a rude "drink" I picked up one of the glasses and raised it to my mouth, sipping the wine while looking at him as if I were daring him not to comply.

And Ron, like the stubborn man that he is, looked at Cale with a sharp look, although he seemed to be having a fair amount of fun there, and they sure as hell didn't look like servant and master at the moment.

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