a stain of blood on the portrait

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Edro pov**

The red-haired young man turned his back without even looking back.

I looked down only to find a venomous look of envy in a child's eyes.

A child envying something.

A nobleman possibly envying a servant, for as crude a reason as an older brother's preference.

An older brother who should love and focus first on his family, his brothers.

"Lily, let's continue."

The girl shook her head as if she was returning to the real world and went back to training.

They did as previously said, improving the girl's previous blow.

But the child seemed distracted, focusing on something else instead of training.
I didn't have the audacity to ask Lily what she was thinking or even scold her, after all, I knew why the girl was like that.

Ten minutes passed and a strong presence appeared on the training ground.

The young man bowed to Lily and me before speaking.

"I'm sorry to disturb you, I came on behalf of Cale-Nim to let you know that he will be unable to come back and watch the training."

A vein pulsed in my neck as the girl let out an upset murmur and the rare-looking young man prepared to leave.

"Hey kid, what do you work on the property?"

I asked, Lily didn't know the black haired man, but he seemed to be something like a guard or knight, the sword at his waist revealing that, there was just one problem, Lily knew all the knights, just like I knew them too, but I had never seen such a person, much less seen someone with such an aura.

"I work for Young master Cale, I will be his future personal knight, I do not serve the count or countess, I serve Cale sir."

That made sense, I had never seen the dangerous-looking man, someone like that could only be someone with red hair.

"Right, I've never seen you here, goodbye."

The young man bowed again and walked out the door.

Lily made a surprised sound and I was confused.

"Oroboni is so cool, he has a personal guard who works exclusively for him."

I patted the girl, impressed by something so futile, but soon after the girl died like a dead flower.

"But he won't come anymore, did I do something?"

"No, you didn't do anything wrong, your brother is just busy."

I couldn't deny that I was angry.
What could be so important that you abandon your younger sister so obviously happy for your presence.
The butler fell ill?To other servants who can deal with it.
Or even the damned count and countess of the house, if it was something very important.

Another question arose in my mind, why call the eldest son out of the line of succession to deal with such an important matter as the main butler of this house, one of the most important positions among the servants, with this kind of thing being the first The reaction should be to go talk to the patriarch of the house.

"Okay Edro, I'm going to go, and I'm going to call someone to clear the tea table, thanks for the training!!"

The girl ran towards the field's glass door, and came out with a loud bang on the door.

I couldn't help but sigh, today training had been more complicated because of the redhead.

The only thing I could do was sigh and go to find Violan.

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