chapter 1 🌹

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read the character intros first 😭

"Hey everyone! I know, I know, this isn't one of my usual Saturday streams, but I have some free time since my last class got canceled today!"

E.J flashes his bright smile, adjusting to go up and down in his desk chair. E.J has been recording and streaming videos for two months now, ever since one of his Instagram Reels went super viral. It hadn't been anything too special, just him showing off a monologue Miss Jenn had written for him, but people loved it. Ashlyn talked him into doing some Youtube for the heck of it, and well - he kind of blew up on the website! Apparently, there's not a lot of YouTubers in his area, and so when the bright and cocky descendant of Alice popped onto the scene, he got flooded with fans.

He doesn't post often though, college life and all that. He also doesn't really stream, like he really doesn't do it, and not because he's afraid of streaming itself; no, it's a much more serious and dangerous reason. It's because he has a roommate, an entirely unique but deadly creature in the shape of a tall, young man named Ricky Bowen. And Ricky made it very clear the moment E.J started doing videos that he didn't want to be in any of them.

Of course, E.J took that request very seriously, and there's never been even a hint of Ricky in the videos he's published, though, that's mainly because E.J only recorded or streamed on Saturdays. He had no clue what Ricky did on Saturdays, all he knew is that it kept the grunge boy out of the dorm until midnight, and he always came back smelling like nail polish and blood. So, probably for the best that E.J didn't know.

E.J laughs as the comments fly by, but he catches a question being repeated quite a few times. "Oh, my roommate? It's all good! It was just my class that got canceled so he shouldn't be back for another hour."

"Anyways! I thought it'd be fun to stream a game! I know, me?! Playing a game!?" E.J laughs again, clasping his hands together as he winks at the camera, "My cousin got Getting Over It for me so I figured why not kill some time with you guys by starting a little?"

The boy rolls in closer to his desk. "I will have to cut the stream at almost an hour though, but don't worry, I'll stream again later once my roommate is out of this room."

He flashes another bright smile, but it slowly melts away as the chat starts to go really fast. "Huh? Wait, what's happening?" It takes his a moment to read some of the comments.

"who is that behind u???!!!"



E.J spins in his chair, and his gasp surely catches on his microphone.

Ricky, in all of his glory, stands right behind E.J with his usual crazy look. "E.J, you're live streaming," Ricky clicks his tongue.

"What are you doing here?!"

"This is my room as well."

"No! I mean what are you doing out of class?"

"Oh that, the explosion in the science hall had unleashed a slime monster into my drama class. I'm saddened it didn't happen during the lecture;" Ricky widens his eyes "It would have been terribly wonderful to see Miss Jenn get dissolved by your monster." His sharp canines apparent in his grin.

E.J sighs heavily, he quickly turns back around and puts his hand over her webcam. "Listen, I'm sorry, if I had known your class was canceled too, I wouldn't have started streaming, I know you don't want to be caught on camera."

"Your a bit late, Elton."

"I know, I'll make sure to delete the video and any clips, I'll do my best to make sure you're-"

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