chapter 3 😚

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E.J Caswell @easthighwaterpolo

Nini :) @thegayestprincess
kiss him

Carlos @mrbroadway
Kiss him.

Seb 😝 @ijustreallylikecows
kiss kiss fall in love

Big Red @yes_thatsmy_name
Soo...? nvm y'all are stupid

Ashlyn Caswell @wonderlandwins
Please just kiss him already, this is fucking painful to watch.

E.J Caswell @easthighwaterpolo
why do I bother with this hellhole

rickY. @neverhxsxtxte
didn't even tag me Elton?

Enid looks through the newly discovered tag with absolute horror. "#rj" Clips from the past two streams, featuring Ricky's crazy laughs and manipulative flirting. Posts obsessing over them and saying over and over again how entertaining their antics were. A lot of art of Ricky, like a scary amount of art of Ricky. E.J quickly exits the tag after seeing an scarily spicy drawing of Ricky that he refuses to think about in fear of passing out.

E.J hangs his head with a heavy sigh, burying his face into his hands. "This is really my life now."

His head snaps up as the door opens. Ricky steps in, but pauses when their eyes meet. "E.J? Are you good? You look-"

E.J lifts his head with a mischievous smile on his face. Fine, everyone wanted a goddamn kiss, he'll give them a fucking kiss.

E.J Caswell @easthighwaterpolo
love my roomie 😝😍❤️

The picture is a selfie of the two roommates entangled on the wooden floor of their dorm. E.J has a tight grip on Ricky's chin, pulling him in as E.J kisses him. E.J's eyes are peacefully closed, while Ricky looks shocked and caught off guard, which is an extremely uncommon look for the boy.


The picture is of a hand; light tan, faint scars covering sharp knuckles and slender fingers. A thick band ring of silver is on the pointer finger, a joint ring of a red gem on the middle finger, and a thin band of black on the pinky. The short, blunt nails are painted pitch black with a white skull patterned on each nail, except for the pinky finger, which is done in red with a piercing green eye in the middle of the fingernail.

Rick let me do his nails💪💪

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rachelyoung Wonderful work as always E.J! Idk this Ricky boy, but I get the feeling this totally fits his vibes!

fangsonfangs th-that's uh a nice hand O.O

rickysdoormat I want him to choke me.

gayestprincess feel so left out 😭😭✋✋

The moment he goes live, E.J is smirking at his viewers. "Okay, yes, I know I'm streaming again, but we gotta address something; and before any of you ask, no; Ricky is not here right now."

E.J clasps his hands together and breathes in. "Like, okay, I get it, alright. I'm crazy about Rick- don't start." E.J quickly shuts down a few surprises commenters. "I've decided, that if you wanna ask about Ricky? Sure whatever, I'll happily answer some questions about him."

"aye aye, Captain E.J!"

"no more simping :(? but that's my whole personality"

"thank god we still get to make fun of u"

"ok i got a ques, where is rick ??"

"I have no clue, he never answers his phone." E.J sighs as he grabs a few bottles of paint, "even if he did, I don't think he would tell me where he runs off to."

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