chapter 2 😍

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"Okay you little freaks, we're having a talk before we dive into this stream."

E.J exhales, the noise lowering his chest as he talks in a voice far more menacing than his natural pitch and tone of laughter and sarcasm.

"We are not talking about Rick, we are not going to make suggestive comments about my relationship with him, and we are especially not going to keep bringing up how hot he is and how you all want him to step on you!"

E.J's voice is guttural at the end of his outburst. His eyes sharply narrowed and glaring daggers. His lips barely parted, yet just enough to see some of his bottom teeth.

Ricky sighs, a gentle smile curling the corners of his lips. The devastating, wild anger of his heart left him breathless and wishing for the day when E.J lost all control. However, he'll settle with this bit of madness he has sown.

To tell the truth, Ricky had not cared when E.J first brought up his plans of becoming a streamer. He was more than alright with E.J recording his videos whenever as long as it didn't disturb his usual time. So what if faceless strangers on the internet caught glimpses of him in the background, he didn't care for their opinions of him. However, what he did care for was how people viewed E.J.

Society as a whole is entirely retched with their thoughts on those who do not fit into their mold of what is "normal." E.J is an eye-bleeding bright boy, with the beauty of a storm and the temperament of a nymph. Who could not love him? Many people that's who, the utter morons. However, despite his oddities, E.J still fitted the mold of what is expected of a young man in this world, smart and rich, bare nails and freckles upon his cheeks.

Ricky was not like that though.

Dressed in black and blood, baggy clothes and the scent of cologne lingering on his skin. A mischievously scary gaze, more than a hint of emotion upon his sharp face. His nails are blunt and black, the only color upon his face being the dark outline in his waterline. Ricky didn't want his dark presence to cloud the judgment of the masses, so he did what he had never done; kept himself out of E.J's social life.

Though, it seems like he has jumped to conclusions. Not the first time he has done that, and this will certainly not be the last time he does it.

A chuckle escapes Ricky as he watches E.J's viewers whimper and whine about their disappointment.

"but-but-but pirate bf ;v;"

"please can we see him again??? we'll behave, right guys, fucking say yes my dudes"

"to quote my newly founded King of Darkness 'I make no promises'"

"i will pay to have him chokeslam me into the fucking ground"


Ricky lets out another breathy chuckle, "my heart, your suffering is delicious."

A loud shaking sob draws his attention away from his phone to the task at hand. Ricky shuts off his phone and tucks it away, he leans forward on the ball of his feet to track his target. The moonless night above sets the scene like a nightmare; his prey creeps through the more dimly lit and less traveled corridors, trying to sneak from her boyfriend's dorm back to her own. Ricky stalks from high above, his movements swift and silent, his tall figure just another flicker of shadow against the black sky.

Zoe Heart, Queen of Hearts daughter, twenty-four years old, currently a senior and studying for a major in law; but most importantly, she was E.J's ex. Their breakup happened a fortnight ago, caught cheating when E.J had dropped by unannounced to the other students dorm. Heart is fortunate Ricky didn't skin her that very night, as Ricky had been too busy with soothing his injured E.J, providing what little warmth he could give. Now, Heart's time has finally come, her luck all dried up.

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