chapter 4 😜

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E.J stares blankly at his phone. In the morning, just before getting ready for the day, E.J always checked his social media, just a quick scan at his notifications; however, this morning he finds herself going against his usual routine. He checks the number again, but it is still the same, it hasn't gone down nor up after refreshing the page for the twentieth time now. Two months on YouTube, and being more active on Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok, had seen a jump in followers all across his accounts. But this was ridiculous.

His seven thousand followers on YouTube have jumped to thirty-five thousand. The same with his Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok, his followers now count in the double digits, and there was only one person to blame - or to thank, he guesses. E.J stands up and creeps over to the other side of the room, and he looms over the slumbering form of his handsome roommate.

After almost three years of living together, E.J is used to most of Ricky's weird habits and quirks, but one that still throws him off balance every time is how Ricky sleeps on Sundays. The boy ran on little to no sleep, staying up late until the early morning, E.J has woken up many times to see Ricky's bed empty, or him staring at the wall. E.J has never seen his roommate sleep on any of the last 6 days of the week. However, Sundays were different.

Ricky is laying on his stomach, his head turned toward the window, though his face is practically buried into the pillow. Brown hair curled out over the red sheets and pillow, absorbing the sunlight that dared to touch it. The blanket has fallen around his waist, revealing skin and ink that only E.J is allowed to see, to touch. E.J reaches out, and gingerly he brushes aside Ricky's tight shirt before his fingertips run over black lines. The red rose is so beautiful that E.J often wishes to pluck it off Ricky's skin. E.J's fingers dance from the shoulder blade, taking a moment to trail down the large tentacle that follows Ricky's spine before it disappears under his tank top. E.J is just starting to trace the beak of a raven on Ricky's right shoulder blade, when the pirate shifts a bit.

"Hm...E.J?" His voice is heavy and husky with sleep, a single eye of sapphire squinting at the morning rays and at E.J.

E.J smiles softly, he crouches down and rests his chin on the edge of the bed, his hand still on Ricky's back. "Hey, sorry for waking you."

"It's fine...did you need something?" Ricky asks through a yawn.

E.J glances down at his phone that was still in his hand; he looks back to Ricky with a bright smile. "No, I just wanted to say good morning."

"Hm, terrible morning to you too."

E.J moves his hand, he gently cards his fingers through Ricky's hair. "I'll let you get back to your dreams."

Ricky lifts his head a bit, nudging it against E.J's hand. "If you want me I can get up."

"No no, it's okay, I know you need your hibernation."

Ricky chuckles lightly, slumping back into his pillow, his voice muffled against the fabric, "it's not hibernation, it's a twelve hours long meditative state to allow my body-"

E.J cuts Ricky off by tugging on his hair, "to recharge the energy needed for the week blah blah blah, I know Ricky, I don't need the Hook biology lesson, again."



"...Can I go back to sleep?"

"Oh...right," E.J stands up, ignoring the heat in his cheeks. "Oh! Also, thanks um, for handling the stream after know."

Ricky shifts and stretches, sighing as he gets a few satisfying pops from his back. "It was no trouble," he mumbles, flipping over onto her side so her back faced the window. "I'm sure the parasites took infinite joy from your state."

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