𝒳𝒱𝐼𝐼. Awakening

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Gods don't feel time, living a life anyone wishes. Not slow nor fast, each day pass on another; least that's what 3 gods used to feel.

Doesn't matter how powerful a god is; they can't time travel only prediction. Gods dislike one thing in particular. Waiting.

Sure, they can wait a few days or weeks but years? different story.

In y/n's realm things heat up slightly, on his 10th year of slumber, he shows some concerning signs such as nightmares, cold sweat, shaking. Kuhaku, the only servant allowed to take care of his lord can't do much besides cleaning his sweat. Luckily, it lasts only a few weeks y/n return to just sleeping there.

Just to clarify; y/n's body is like in hibernation, slow heart rate, slow breathing, low metabolic rate.

{125 years later}

With the prolonged darkness, your eyes had a hard time adjusting the neglected light, a very long dream or journey taken somewhere else, your eye lids as heavy as a rock for them being shut so long. Last thing you remember was completing your own clone. It only took a few seconds to find out you were in your own bed, it felt familiar yet strange.

The door squeaks drawing your attention, your loyal assistant Kuhaku stands there in a daze, he's faceless, but body tells.

"My lord!" he trotted besides your bed "how are you feeling?" he concerns.

"How long... have I slept" you hardly pump up any energy to speak, your body felt so frail, your eyes struggle to open seeing light again.

"125 years" normally anyone could be shocked over the numbers. You pull out your arms hidden under the soft sheets, they were still small, you're still in child form.

"Why am I still in such form? I thought I would've grown a bit"

Kuhaku lower his head remorse he couldn't provide his lord an answer, you notice his body language telling him to not worry about it, perhaps your body is healing from all the years you spent researching, telling you to take a long break rather constantly devouring wisdom.

You allow silence to invade, staring into the ceiling with wavery patterns you recall clear vision of dreams you had, good and bad share same portion.

"Would you like something to eat or drink my lord?" Kuhaku spoke gently almost a whisper "outside..." you push yourself up with Kuhaku's help. You being shorter than him will surely gain him new experience.

After changing a set of clothes that fits your current stature with your hair tied, Kuhaku walks you to the gazebo where you always sit to have supper drinking tea. You order warm green tea, while waiting you gaze over your garden thinking about how your brothers and Buddha are doing, did your clone win, so many rushing through your mind after a long sleep.

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{ BΣYӨПD } Record of Ragnarok - Buddha x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now