𝒳𝒳𝐼𝐼𝐼. Brahmāṇḍa

519 22 5

At Helheim...

"Sorry to disturb you Lord Hades, a guest requires your presence" a servitor gingerly opens the door to the king's study room.

"Inform them to wait for a while"

"I've already notified them of this matter...but they say immediately..."

Hades hummed finishing the paper in work, although there's still some needing to be done, his guest probably would break his door. Why does he think his guest will break his door? Because he had a guess who that visitor might be.


When Hades enter where his visitor is, Buddha was already facing at his direction as if knowing he would appear from there. Even if Hades guessed it could be him. Still, to see someone like Buddha here in Helheim it's still unimaginable or even impossible.

"So, what brings you all the way down here" Hades said with a grin.

"what's the relation between 'fallen star' and y/n" the god blurted


The air mix with awkwardness and confusion, Budda looks rather impatient as Hades hang on the silence. Even if Buddha wants to explain it was impossible to place any words describing his witnesses, it sound unsubstantial even if he does.

Hades contemplatively rub his chin with two pale fingers, locating connection about his brother and the word 'fallen star'

"Oh." his eyes subtly lit up with conclusion "tell me why are you suddenly intrigue to such place"

"Where is it"

"what's the hurry"

If Buddha reveals to Hades that his dear young brother died now, he may be sculpture the culprit. based on the event what happen at Ragnarök during Poseidon's match; a misunderstanding fight could occur, but he couldn't endure to linger here any longer.

"Go there and see for yourself"

Weird atmospheres lurk around the room. Hades open a portal which leads to a beach on the other side, he backed allow the Indian god to take the first step after him.

The portal closed after Hades entered.


The calm waves crashing the beach with its rhythm welcome the two mighty gods setting foot on the soft sand. To Buddha; it's an ordinary beach, to Hades; it's a memory that dear to him.

Not only greeted by the wave but also an indescribable scene. Just near the edge of the beach where the wave could only reach so far; stand a translucent entity facing the vase sea, in front is y/n's corpse floating inside an orb mainly made from water.

"Now I see why you look to have trouble telling me" Hades' comment "however, do explain what happen to my dear brother?" the voice of the death god drops cold, there was no space for yes or no; he was ordering.

{ BΣYӨПD } Record of Ragnarok - Buddha x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now