01. Together

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The Doc trio is walking side by side in the engineering foodcourt because the Dean asked Phana to go in there to ask about the upcoming events in their faculty. The dean heard that engineering needs a medical student in their faculty for their one event. While Beam and Kit were dragged to go with Phana. Phana doesn't want to go to the engineering faculty alone while there is a chance that Beam will play around and Kit will be alone since they don't have a class for 1 more hour after their 1-hour lunch break.

Phana is looking in the engineering foodcourt, and he immediately spots where Forth and his friends are sitting since the table that Forth and his friends are using is the same table that the former hazers used.

Kit rolled his eyes when there were girls winking at Beam. He was disgusted with it because it was clearly that they wanted to have some 'fun' with his friend, who were clearly casanova who slept with the girls that caught his attention. Phana noticed that Kit rolled his eyes and saw the girls who were inviting Beam to sit with them, so he immediately pulled Beam's jacket towards him and gave a sign to Kit to follow them.

"Pha, come on, just this time."

"Not on my watch, Beam, stop it!"

"Gosh, I hate you!"

Kit is laughing while following Phana and Beam and because of that, all of the people in the foodcourt look at them. It was fun to watch them like that. Beam is acting like a whiny kid, Kit is acting like a teaser sibling, and Phana is acting like a strict dad who is trying to discipline his child. Even Forth and his friends, who are not giving them their attention because they are busy talking about random things, look at them while laughing.

"Oy, look at Beam like that is a new thing for me," Lam said while trying not to laugh so loud. While Wan, on the other hand, didn't even try to hold his laugh, he just laughed so loud, "Yeah, right, HAHAHAAHAHHA, it was so funny to see him acting like that! That was the first time I saw him like that!"

Forth and Wai just laugh; they don't know what to say, but the scene in front of them makes them smile and laugh because it was a rare view to see.

The Doc trio saw that Forth and the three of his friends were laughing, and it made Beam a little annoyed, actually. Who are they to laugh at my misery? Beam asked himself, but he didn't want to voice that out while Phana was pulling him.

When Phana stopped at their table, Forth stopped laughing and looked at Phana with a curious look. "Hey, the Doc trio is here. It's a pleasure to see the famous trio in our faculty foodcourt."

"Yeah, right. It's a pleasure to see the four of you too," Beam said with his poker face, which means he's not really happy with the sight of them. First, because they laughed earlier when Phana was pulling him like a child. Second, he is not happy because he didn't really want to go to the engineering faculty. Phana just dragged him along with him. If Phana didn't do that, maybe he is getting laid on now. Beam nudges Phana: "Go, tell him what we need. I'm hungry."

Phana wants to scold Beam because of how he acts in front of Forth and his friends inside their faculty, but he knows that Beam is Beam. That's how Beam usually acts. Besides, it looks like Forth didn't mind Beam; he just chuckled.

"Forth, I need to ask you things related to your new events in the engineering faculty," Phana said, straightforwardly.

"Oh, but I'm not the head hazer anymore. I'm not the one assigned to handle the event." Forth said.

"Yeah, I know. But I don't know who is the new head hazer, and you were the legend head hazer last year, so I decided to just talk to you, and besides, you can relay the message to your handled freshman last year, who is the current head hazer today, right?" Phana explained. Forth, on the other hand, nodded his head and signed them to sit with them because Phana's is right. If they don't know who the hazer is this year, he is a good choice. Firstly, because Forth is already a third-year engineering student, and during their freshman year until last year, he made his reputation already. All the people in their faculty knew him, even those students in other faculties knew him. Few of them like him because of his physical attributes. Some people like his characteristics, and some like him just because of his reputation. Not only because he is a bad boy, in a good way, but also because he is strong enough to protect someone important to him. Aside from that, Forth's younger brother is the head hazer this year.

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