05. Who?

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“How's the freshman doing?” Mingkwan's asks on the phone. He is currently talking with Levi. Mingkwan is sitting on the front seat while Phana was driving his car towards Divertru because they want to eat some food before going home. Mingkwan will pay though since Phana is the one driving.

“The freshman is safe. We are almost there so no need to worry about them.” Levi said, “Anyway, where did you go?” when he woke up he immediately help the other hazers with the equipments and tools. Few hours after when they are already ready to go, he noticed that Mingkwan is gone.

“I left first because I have important things to do.” Mingkwan said and looks at Phana. “I'll cut the call now.”

Levi nod his head the same time Mingkwan cut the call.

“After eating, where do you want me to drop you off?” Phana asks but his eyes is still on the road.

“Where do you want to go?”

“My dorm. I want to do my laundry then maybe eat some ice cream.”

Mingkwan nods and smile at Phana, “Great! I'll go with you.”


“I don't have anything to do so yeah, i'll go with you. Whatever you want to do, go! I'll go with you.”

“Don't you have things to do?”

“Well, for now, I don't have any pendings so I'm free.”

“Good for you.” Phana said while nodding and then stopped the car just in front of the Divertru. He open the door and walk out while Mingkwan is following him.

“What do you want?” Phana asked when they take a seat inside. They are in the right side of the room. Only few people are in that side of the room so they decided to sit there.

“I want the special ramen, fried rice with omelette and also ice tea.”

“Wow, you have so many order.” Phana can't believe that Mingkwan will order those. The bowl of ramen is too big, it looks like for a couple size. Then, the fried rice with omelette is in medium size of plate. “How can you eat all of that?”


“Really? All? In just one sitting? Wow, you really have so many space for food inside your body.”

“I am hungry, Phana. So, let me. Besides, it's my treat so I can buy what I want and you can buy whatever you want too.” Mingkwan said and smile at the waiter who are writing his order.

Phana nods, right, it was Mingkwan's treat so he smile at the waiter who is still waiting for his order. “I'll have single size ramen and a coffee.”

“Coming right up, sir.” he said and then take his leave.

“What is your schedule tomorrow?” Mingkwan asked after a few minutes of silence. He just really don't want to stay silent, too quiet.

“Why are you asking?” Phana asks while looking around the restaurant. Not too crowded, not too loud, just enough for him not to be nervous that someone will saw them together. He just really don't want anyone to see them both together, especially now because its just the two of them eating here in the Divertru. It will looks like a date, right? or maybe it was just in Phana's mind. He was just overthinking.

“Seriously? you're still asking me that? Aren't you already  agreed with me to hangout together?” Mingkwan gasped.

“Oh, ahhh yeah yeah.”

“Oh, ah, yeah? that's all?” Mingkwan can't believe it, he looks at Phana unamused.

Phana shrugs, he looks at the waiter who slowly put the drinks in the table and take his leave again to take the other order. Then he looks at Mingkwan after. “Anyway, I have morning class. It will start at 8 until 3 PM. I probably go to my place after and take a nap before reviewing some notes in the evening.” that's his normal routine most of the time.

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