Chapter Three - Trip overseas

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While I was for taking commercial flights for many occasion. On behalf of the crown on anything more that three days and covering most of the country. Then a royal flight was called for well called for was a bit strong. Liam and I were given it for this tour. We stuck to high end American designers for formal engagements and American based brands for informal visits, If they were made sustainable all the better. Liam and I stepped nervously of the plane as we were officially there. We waved and then walked down together not the paces behind, that was not going to be us. Agreement of both old and new coming together. I shook hands first and he followed.

"Mr President, it's nice to see you again. A familiar face." I was relieved a little and took a deep breath seeing the face of Barrack Obama and next to him Michelle.

"Your Royal Highness, welcome back to the United States and congratulations on your marriage." he greeted

"Thank you. We're glad to be here, even though were low key nervous." I showed him my hand "Both of you have put me at ease at least."

"Glad we have that effect" we laughed and I moved to Michelle

"Mrs Obama, we're matching." I chime both of us wearing deep blue dresses

"Sister across the pond. How are you?" she beamed

"Doing well, it's been a while since I was here so it's nice to be back. Exited to see what this trip brings. It's all we've been talking about on the flight here." though the initial conversation was brief I know that we would talk more later. I moved on to Vice President Biden and his wife Jill. Then we were taken to our hotel that we would be staying at.

We had a brief few hours before we would be taken to the White House. I slept for about a hour and then got ready. I had on a red gown while Liam was in black tie and the two of us were taken on the fifteen minute car ride to White House. I smoothed out my dress as I took a deep breath.

"Just breath."

"I know. I know." we stepped out and were escorted inside to where everyone was waiting. The two of us were introduced.

"The Royal Highness' the Duke and Duchess of Suffolk" the doors opened and we walked in. Both us couples greeted each other and then had pictures taken of our visit before moving onto the the meal. The two of us talked about the Olympics and the wedding as well and the celebration and local news that i hadn't known going on here.

"When asking a Princess to visit, it is no simple request." there was a chuckle "Especially when said Princess, is that of our friends across the pond, working tirelessly in eduction, all while building a charity foundation, planning a wedding during her grandmothers jubilee year and doing appearances and engagements. Not even I could do that and I'm older and a President. Now Princess Aurora is here with her charming husband the Duke of Suffolk by her side and like so many breathing a bit of the fresh English air back into lives. I have no doubt the great work you and your husband will do not just here but all over the world shining a light into the darkness. To the Royal Highnesses" they raised their glasses and I tried to be subtle in my relief.


The next day we traveled to New York and to Alphabet City and to the Henry Street Settlement. We kept things low key here to protect its residents. We waved at those that had gathered and shook hands then met more of the residents officially. There were no camera's allowed in to protect those that were here

"I'd like to introduce Kassie and her three year old son Devon."

"It's nice to meet you. Thank you for agreeing to meet with me." She adjusted Devon on her hip and shook my hand.

"A pleasure your highness."

"Please Aurora and William." I gestured between the two of us as Liam shook her hand "Hello Devon." he reached out making his mother laugh as he started fussing.

"You can hold him if you like."

"Oh I would love too. Hi..." I coo taking hold of Devon "So what brought the two of you to the settlement?"

"We left a bad situation with his father and sought shelter here. I'm working on finding a different place to live so that we can be safe." I nodded sympathetically and feeling for her.

"Personally I think your brave." Liam told me "And your doing a great job, he's so calm. Aurora's newest cousin isn't as half as calm yet." he made her smile as Devon rested his head on my shoulder.

"Can I take a picture so I can show him one day that he met actual royalty?"

"Of course." she took out her camera and held it up taking a picture of the both of us with her son. "You are so sweet." Unfortunately I had to hand him back to Kassie other wise I would have carried him everywhere. We met other residents of the shelter and spoke with them at length of how they came to be here. Then we moved on to see how the toy shop my mother visited nearly 30 years ago.

"Oh Liam, look at this," i pointed to a gift set that was on display "Louise would love that."

"James would love this." Liam laughed pointing at a nerf gun I gasped and laughed then smirked "You're going to get it aren't you? Oh your uncle and Aunt are going to love you."

"Hey! they already do!" I grabbed the items and Anastasia passed me some money discreetly so we could pay for the toys. "Wait, I need to get something for Savannah and Isla." I went back to search for something for Peter's two little girls. For Savannah and Isla. I got them a stuffed Lion and Otter.

|"Got it." we paid for the toys and tased out arm in arm with our purchases." That evening we were invited to a charity gala where the two of us let our hair down for dancing.

Speaking of dancing i really should have thought that far ahead. Liam and i got separated speaking to different attendee's. After a hour of constant rotation. I was getting bored and this was getting tedious. Even though I knew it had to be done, there was simply no let up.

"Anastasia." I call for her and she stepped forward, as I watched everyone dancing. "Please tell my husband to meet me on the dance floor." she looked a little stunned but nodded. I watched as she hurried over to Liam and then she must have cleared her throat because he stopped and leant down slightly as she told him my message. He glance over at me and I smirked walking out onto the dance floor.

The two of us laughed as we dance and he twirled me around and lifted me up for a moment before I effortlessly landed back on my feet. From the look in his eyes he didn't have to ask what all this was in aide of. He just knew that while I was completely for doing my bit for the crown and helping everyone else. Sometimes you just needed a moment....a break just to breathe. We gave each other those moments and pulled each other from the old traditional ways where fun was for the privacy of your own home.

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