Chapter Fourteen - Siblings back together

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Harry was home! I tried to tackle my brother into a hug on his arrival but my bump kind of got in the way. Now William and I were spending some long awaited time together. Liam and Catherine were on solo engagements for the morning so the three of us curled up on the sofa in my apartment.

"So how does it feel to be back?" I wonder

"It feels weird." Harry admitted "I had a sense of freedom while I was over seas, coming back it feels like I don't have that anymore." My eyebrows furrowed

"I don't understand?" I say confused

"Well out there I wasn't a member of the royal family. I was just one of the boys that was there for a reason. We all had a sense of one purpose. Here, its just different." he shrugged not really going into the matter, then he put a hand on my stomach. "Look at how you've grown, when I left you were..."

"Not knowingly pregnant with twins?" Will chuckled and Harry nodded

"Now your going to be a Mum. That's insane both my brother and sister are going to be parents, did you two conspire against me." Will and I looked at one another then back to Harry.

"For once, this was a total fluke." I slapped his shoulder and then the three of us enjoyed some quality sibling time.


We had a welcome back gathering for Harry the weekend of his return and the come Monday it was back to action stations with engagements sometimes solo, other times with Liam or with the others.

Harry and I had been called to see Granny, just the two of us and no one else. The two of us sat waiting outside Granny's office, me rubbing my stomach. Harry rested a hand on mine and I gave him a small smile.

"Her Majesty, Your royal Highness." the two of us looked up "Prince Harry. Her Majesty is ready to see you now." Harry nodded and rose to his feet as i let his hand go. He then headed inside as I continued to wait. I hummed a little tune that Mum used to do when I was a little girl. There was the ring of the bell and then a few minutes later, Harry exited with a small scowl on his face and I was called in. Curtsying wasn't as easy when you were carrying two but I did it.

"Granny. Is everything all right, Harry didn't look best pleased leaving." I kissed her cheeks and she guided me to sit down.

"Harry's mood will ease." she assured me sitting herself next to me. "My darling granddaughter I asked you here today because I have a request of you. One that I would only entrust to yourself but I want your agreement first."

"What is it?"

"Harry is to embark on a trip to America in May. It's a week of engagements and I wish for you to accompany him." it was my turn to scowl.

"But I'm supposed to start maternity leave at the end of April. "

"I know, I only wish to extend a week. when your brother requested and was asked to attend some engagements, his last encounter was something left to be desired. His schedule is full but you would only attend a small fraction of his events. Your presence has always been soothing to him and since his return its as if he's a little lost, till he find his way I think you would be a calming presence with him."

"And what if I happen to go into labour? Granny you know I would do practically anything for you and the crown but this is hardly practical." she took my hands

"I know and i wouldn't ask if there was anyone else that would have the same effect on him." I sigh deflated a little "I will have Dr Setchell come with you if it puts your mind at ease."

"I pick and chose which I attend before hand?" she nodded "Fine, just this once." she tapped my hand gratefully.


The following month after the conversation with Granny, William, Catherine, Harry Liam and myself took on extra engagements and duties for Granny afters was unable to do so. Then during April, the five of us had a fun time at the opening of Warner brothers studios. The five of us were shown around, William, Liam and Harry all had turns in the bat mobile and the bike.

"Do you think we'll have any chance of getting them home later?" I joke to Catherine.

"Your guess is as good as mine." she laughed

"Oh wow this is good, really good." Will commented as he was on the bike

"Absolutely not, your not taking it home." I denied as Catherine continued to giggle "Don't encourage him, you'll be look after two children not one."

"You got to keep Liam." my brother retorted

"Oh really." I tutted rolling my eyes "How old are you five?" i folded my arms over my belly. William and Harry looked to one another.

"Sisters" they grumble. We carried on with a tour of the Harry Potter sets, it was very exiting . Liam and I had a duel. To be honest this was the most fun I had in months. I was sad to leave.

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