Chapter Twelve - The Royals

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For about five minutes the children looked at their name card and then bowed and curtsy to everyone. After talking with the adults that had accompanied them I stepped forward.

"Okay everyone, can i have your attention." the all quietened down and turned to me "I can say that you defiantly have your bows and curtsies on point. But who you do it to not quite. Who's heard of a family tree?" most raised their hand

"Good for those who don't know its a way of telling who's in your family and who came down over time to make you and how your here. For us Royals though, family tree is not how we say who you greet to. We use the term 'line of succession', anyone wanna have a try what that means?" None of the children put their hands up "Adults?" I turn to them

"Line of succession means places to or from the throne of England." one stated

"Yes, thank you." I chuckled "Okay so can we have our Queen and Prince Phillip here." they came forward

"Right so. The Queen is the head. When she passes to heaven my father Prince next with his wife is yet undetermined."

"Where are you?" Una wondered

"As it stands fourth in line. My brothers William and Harry are before me. So let's do this." I moved the children into succession order. "Okay so this is the easiest way, it does get more tricky but I don't want to hurt your brain, if you all face me. Those in front of you, are closer to the throne and you curtsy or bow to them. But only when at where around other people. the only exception to this rule is the Queen. As our monarch and head of the family (technically grandpa's role but complicated) we do it one of two ways like this." I go to Una

"Your Majesty." I curtsy "Granny." then I would give her a hug or I would do it the other way around.

"Doesn't that get complicated?"

"Not for me, I quickly learnt that one I was told enough I had to do that. If it was you guys and you were meeting the Queen or any member of the royal family it would be your majesty for the queen and Your Highness to any family member who has a title. then Sir or Ma'am." I shrug "Okay think that's enough for one morning we've set up some fun things for you and your adults in the court yard if you'd like to follow my friends they'll take you there." I headed into one of the offices. After 20 minutes the children came back inside and i walked them through other rooms before we broke for dinner. I sat with them and talked. When dinner was over they went back out to play While some of my family had gathered for the last bit of the day.

"Hey." I chimed. Dad, Camilla, Will, Catherine, Aunt Anne, Uncle Edward, Aunt Sophie, Beatrice and Eugenie had all come for the last part of the day. "Thank you all for coming" I hugged them

"How's it been going so far?" Will asked me kissing my head

"You know I think I missed my calling as a teacher or a professor." They laughed "In my element, they're all so nice the children and the adults. And they're gonna be so exited to see all of you, they're enthusiastic about everything they've seen from the young ones to the older ones." We talked for a little while before I went back out to meet up with everyone

"So I've taken you on a tour talked about Kings, Queens and the royal family. I think it's only fair since this is a treat for you guys. You don't just get to meet one Princess. Guys come on out!" I call to my family and one by one they come into the room. Both children and adults are shocked but only the children are vocal about seeing members of my family.

"We got some games and activities set up, so go on ahead." All of us set off playing games, drawing, taking with everyone that were here. for the next hour an half, shortly before they went children and adults got the chance to have a picture with their chose royal, before heading home. Once they were gone Will pulled me into a side hug.

"Nice going sis. Nice going."

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