Chapter Seven - News is out

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" News coming out of buckingham Palace this morning. The Duke and Duchess of Suffolk announce that they are expecting twins. Princess Aurora the Duchess of Suffolk was taken into hospital yesterday afternoon after fainting due to exhaustion. It goes on to say that with the circumstances surrounding the Princess's trip to hospital and the nature of the pregnancy. Her forthcoming engagements will not be attended by her husband the Duke of Suffolk. That for the health of mother and children until further notice Princess Aurora will be taking on lighter duties."

Liam and I had rung Peter and Juliet, then Daisy, then Benjamin the night before the news broke. The fact that I was having twins we decided then forwarded on, we felt needed to be added to the statement. Trying to get ahead of the future press article when Catherine and Will would announce and then the coverage of the royal babies that would soon be coming seemed like a good idea. Then would be the fact that in my head I would have slightly more of a bigger and perturbing bump than Kate. Also I may not be able to wear heels so much. It made sense to us.

Even if the coverage swung either way between me or Catherine. Or it was the same amount of coverage with our soon to be entangling engagements and pregnancy's. Any chance to be ahead just as a procaution then the better. The November chill had caught up to us and I dressed to leave the hospital in jeans. t-shirt, jumper, jacket, with a scarf and boots. I had not wanted a hairstylist to do my hair for no reason when I was simply going home to bed. So I did my hair in a simple braid.

"Since the announcement, the press have been gathering outside." Liam told me "Just so you know. I know you have the whole seen to be believed like The Queen." he smirked jokingly

"Well she's not wrong. Give them a inch they'll take ten miles worth of rubbish. Easier for everyone if you just try to shut it down quickly." I shrug as Liam had my bag of clothes "Ready?" I ask

"Shouldn't I be asking you that?"

"Maybe." we left the hospital room to see James waiting for us, with a reassuring simile. I nodded to him.

"Still watching over me James?"

"Always, Princess." he assured me as i walked past him and out of the doors of the hospital. We came out to a small sea of photographers and gave a small wave. Taking a deep breath and with a gentle hand from Liam he guided me down the steps and over to the car, where he opened the door for me and I slipped into the back. Once the door was closed he went around putting my bag in the back and then getting into the drivers seat as i clicked my seatbelt in.

For now I was on bed rest for the next week until the prenatal vitamins were fully in effect, my hydration was up and I could go longer than a hour without having a dizzy spell.With nothing much really to do since the work that I was doing was put on hold. I took to binge watching Bewitched. There was a knock on my door and I paused the tv so I could answer.

"Come in." the door opened and Anastasia curtsied

"Your Royal Highness. Her Majesty the Queen and His Royal Highness Prince Phillip are here." she announced. I nodded and went to get out of bed "No Ma'am the want to see here."

"In here?" she nodded

"They want you to remain following your bed rest." my mouth opened and closed before nodding and flipping the duvet back over. I switched the tv off, Granny and Grandpa came in with concerned smiles

"Granny." I bowed my head

"Aurora my dear." Granny breathed deeply. Anastasia moved two chairs into the room Grandpa came over and kissed my head

"I don't know whether to congratulate you, or scold you Lucky. Worrying your grandmother like that." he sat himself down and Granny came over.

"Neither do i. I'm sorry Granny." I apologised as she came over and kissed my cheeks as I returned the gesture. "I'm really, really sorry."

"Don't fret, Aurora. Sometimes these things can't be helped. As long as you and your little ones are resting up, that is all I care about." she sat herself down next to grandpa and set her handbag down. "How are you doing?"

"Better than I was, the lightheadedness is almost gone, but then to replace it the morning sickness has decided to rear it's head. I figured that I had been keeping it at bay with the ginger tea I have on a morning and night. Since I haven't had that in a few days...well I will leave the rest of it to your imagination?"

"I understand when I was with your father I felt ill for days until your grandfather started bringing in the ginger ale to soothe it." She took my hand and tapped it

"When you rang to tell us that you were having twins, I told your grandmother only you would. Naturally competitive."

"Oh yeah because I not only planned getting pregnant but to add on the extra challenge of juggling two on my first round." I rolled my eyes making him laugh

"Oh really, Aurora. If you can handle your brothers antics with grace twins should be a walk in the park." Granny retorted "I just hope that with what's happened you'll be careful and take it easy. I know that both you and Catherine are having a difficult first pregnancy."

"I promise, granny."

"Aurora who went paler out of you or William when you realised you were having two?" Grandpa smirked and i raised a eyebrow at him.

"Me why?" I drawled

"Did anyone capture that moment forever."

"Oh Phillip you are incorrigible." Granny tutted at her husband who could care less and found it amusing either way.

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