he kicked and cried like a bullied child.

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Larry pov:

I stayed there for a moment listening to what the guy in the stall said. I know it's weird but curiosity got the best of me, and besides he didn't really say anything. He just.. cried.

"Are you okay there?" I asked after five minutes or so. The dude stopped crying, or at least sniffling and only after a few minutes he said something I couldn't really catch because of his voice being so.. non-understandable?..

"What was that?." I asked again, his voice was so silent I really got worried. Even if it was someone who I didn't really know, I would not let 'em be alone crying himself in this crappy so called school bathroom.

"I said leave me alone Johnson.." he said.. I recognized the voice. It was Travis, out of all people I could have met here i meet Travis phelps. Crying.. this could easily make good blackmail but he is crying like this for a reason.. and skipping class was never a thing for him, not with a strict father like his..

"Is that the Travis Phelps crying? What happened to make a heartless monster like you cry?" I wasn't about to leave that asshole to cry there and I really needed to know how to make him like this so he would get away from sal and any other kid to this matter, not like I care because why would anyone care for a homophobic church boy like him?

"I'm not telling a sick queer like you! Is it a crime to have privacy or something?" He spat back, rude idiot thinking I wasn't here for a while listening to him cry. Now that I say this out loud in my mind it sounds creepy-

"I tried to be nice for once you idiot, got no other response then insults?" He was on my nerves way faster then usual because, was i worried for him? Nah he was an asshole to me my whole life..

Travis pov:

Not enough I was skipping class to be a stupid crybaby over something stupid in the fucking bathroom like a looser I would bully myself. The one person I hated was here... Larry greesy weed Johnson was here 'trying to be nice' to me. Him and his pity will not fool me. I don't need anyone's fucking pity, especially not his.

"Well those insults are at least better then going to school smelling like weed every single day and hanging out with those f@gg0ts you call 'friends'. I don't understand why you would even talk to those freaks, oh wait. You are a freak yourself!" I snapped at him.. why wouldn't that ass leave me alone, all I would ask for was for him to leave me alone.. why couldn't I just do that instead of the insult... No matter he deserves the insulting words. He was a sinner, he was agents god and his ways... He was like me but he was free...

"So much on letting me be nice to you for once. Guess sal was wrong in saying that you can be nice back behind a wall to hide you angry bitching you are. Bye Phelps boy." With those words I hear the 'metalhead' leave... With that, thinking I'm finally alone I start to break again.. how weak of me.

Tw: sh, self hatred and more bad shit..

I was alone, crying like a stupid kid ... No I'm not supposed to be like this, I'm supposed to be stone cold faced and hide these stupid emotions, I shouldn't even HAVE these emotions.. why am I like this? Why is got punishing me like this?..

I started to scratch the new wounds from yesterday on my wrists.. I rip them open just to make myself stop crying and pay attention to the blood uzing from my hand.. it made me feel human, like I was alive... So stupid to feel this way.

I closed my eyes, still slowly scratching my arms.. then I see her.. I see my "mother" flash in front of me while my eyes where closed and I emideatly stand up, wrap my hands in toilet paper to stop the bleeding, trying to shake my 'mothers' image from my head... She looked at me with pure white eyes and such pale skin... It was creepy...

I left the school right after.. I already knew my father had gotten a call from the school on me not attending classes... Not evading the basement punishment today... I will try not to lie to him in hopes of a nicer punishment... I know i am not a damned sinner... Why do I have to suffer those punishments..

before I knew it, I saw father waiting for me at the porch... This will be the end of me..

"Son... I'm so disappointed in what you did today.. to the basement right now before I force you to go there myself."
I gulped but I just walked in, I followed his orders just to keep it as safe as possible... This night is going to be a nightmare...

After the exact same thing as yesterday.. I just lay there on the floor, yellowish - brown blood everywhere.. I was a sinner in his eyes and nothing can change that... So why keep trying to please his wish for a perfect son?.. I cried that night again, kicking the air when a sob was choked up.. I want to break free from this hell... I do not know if I should try and my friend... What am I saying I have friends.. or just a friend named Phillip.. he may look like one of those queers, but after him trying to befriend me for 4years now, I started to warm up to him a bit.. so I don't need to look for friends, I have one! And that is good enough... Is it?..

Larry pov:

I finished the classes and didn't see that fucker anywhere.. to be honest hearing him cry like that somewhat made me feel bad for him. Feeling bad for someone as cruel and ignorant as him shouldn't be allowed. Yes his father is the preacher or whatever but he still had a choice in educating himself in what respect is and just maybe be able to realize he is the stupid prick here.. but then again sal said 'Travis needs to adapt to everyone in his own pace' and I disagree, he is the perfect church boy that beats up queer kids and who ever he sees a queer.. discusting..

I was walking home and noticed him still walking home, I thought he left school right after the bell rang for a break since we had more classes and knowing him he didn't want to be seen as a 'little cry baby' he became, he seemed zoned out and I thought to myself that it was okay to follow him. YES I KNOW THIS SOUNDS BAD BUT IM GLAD I DID!!

I was only a bit behind him, hiding in the forest. Suddenly he looked up to his front porch and I hear his fathers voice and oh snap he sounded like a bad person just by his voice. And instead of greeting his child he said he was disappointed in him skipping? You could of at least say hello bring the subject at dinner.

This was getting to much so I just walked away back to the apartment getting ready to hang out with sal and ash because Todd and Neil were on their date. But while getting ready I stated to wonder if I heard everything correctly... I started to feel invested in this, but I'll gotta ask sal about it because he did speak with Travis before in a 'nice conversation'.

Word count(w/ out this):1302

Author note: this was worked with two alters so it's a little worse then the last one. Hope y'all are safe and sorry if this story is to much. Also more shorter chapters will go out soon or maybe even after this chapter who knows.
This was brought to you be: Lawrence, Tyler and Travis and yes he is THE TRAVIS PHELPS ALTER and we are color blind so we made our silly au w/ Travis being like us frfr.
We care for y'all<3

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