Chapter 13

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Today was the day Jean and I would be going to France for his brothers birthday.

I had just finished packing and I turned to see Jean leaning against the door frame, "Are you ready?"

I nodded, picking up my bag and slinging it over my shoulder, the heavy weight of all my clothes and accessories nearly dragging me to the floor.

Jean smiled at me, kissed my forehead and took the bag from me, making me feel very weak.

As Jean took all the luggage to the car I pet Charlie good bye. Charlie would have the whole house to herself except when Jean house sitter would come and feed her.

I walked out and Jean was waiting for me. I walked down the steps to him and we got in the car.]

"Have you told your mom about me?" I asked.

"Yes, she knows about you, she is happy to meet you." He smiled at me.

Even though I believed him I was still nervous that they would hate me, I mean I'm nothing comared to them. They have millions and I'm sure they live on an amazing space of land.

I would be no where with out Jean.

"What's wrong?" he asked, noticing my unease.

"What if they don't like me, I mean I'm sure I'm more close to their house keeper then a rich man."

Jean chuckled and I instantly relaxed, that warm, sexy chuckle calming my nerves, "Don't be to quick to judge, I was just like you when I was younger. We all had to work hard to get to where we are now."

I leaned my head against his shoulder and sighed, "I'm just really nervous that they will hate me."

"The only one I would be scare to hate you would be Basile. He it all business and no play. He will probably never experience love because he is way to into work. But even then, what is there to hate about you?"

"My scars." I said without even thinking.

That was it, that was why I was truly nervous. I was scared they would judge me because of my scars.

"Oh Grayson," He wrapped an arm around me and kissed my head, "Please don't worry about that, my family is not like that. They look for what's on the inside."

I loved hearing him talk about his family, if warmed my heart. Hearing what family was really supposed to be like.

"Can you tell me more about them, what are they like?"

I could feel him smile, "Well I will start with my mother, Charlotte. She is sweet at first but don't let her fool you, when you piss her off she is the scariest person I know."

I smiled waiting for more, "My older sister, the oldest of us all, Violetta, is by far the sweetest person I know. I have never seen her mad or sad, not even when our dad died, she stayed strong for all of her little brothers. I think you will like her the most out of all of my siblings."

"What about Célian?"

He let out an airy laugh, almost a scoff, then he sighed, "My baby brother is something else. He is definitely a playboy, sleeping with a different girl every week. He is reckless but funny and very selfish, never letting you ever know how he really feels about anything. But even though he is a piece of work he can be really sweet when the time is right."

"Who would you say your closest to?" I asked looking up at him.

He smiled and looked up, giving it some thought, "Honestly I would say that I'm closest to Violetta, she is always the one I know I can depend on."

I smiled, "Your family sounds nice."

"They are, they really are." he whispered to me.

Just then the car stopped and we got out. I saw a private jet right in front of me and my mouth dropped, I had no idea that we were going in this.

Jean smiled and wrapped his arms around me, walking me to the jet.

"I didn't know we were going in this." I whispered.

He chuckled again, making me melt inside, "You didn't expect me to go to a normal airport did you?"

I guess I really didn't but I hadn't expected this.

We sat down in the jet and two other men brought in our bags.

Jean smiled at me and tilted his head, inviting me over to sit beside him. I did and I pulled out my phone, seeing that I had a new email and two messages.

I opened the messages first and saw that they were from Katherine.

Have fun in France! xx

Then there was another.

Your gonna tell me everything that happened when you come back!

I smiled at that and then checked my email. It was from Rhys. I gave a confused look at my phone as I read.

I hope you enjoy your time at France, I need to have a short meeting with you when you return. Don't stress about it, it's nothing bad.

I turned my phone off, leaning against Jean and thinking about what that could have meant.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"Nothing, just an email from Rhys, he said he needed to have a short meeting with my when I got back."

"Do you think it's bad?"

"Well he said not to stress about it, it wasn't anything bad."

"Well then do just that, don't stress about it." He smiled down at me as I looked up at him.

"Is it okay if I take a nap?"

"Of course." he picked up his book, "This is all I plan to do for the flight anyway."

I smiled at him and leaned back against his shoulder, letting sleep take over.

This chapter is dedicated to Annagracey2000 for all her amazing comments!! ❤❤❤

What do you think about Rhys email to Grayson?

This was basically a filler chapter, the next chapter will be better because Grayson will be meeting the La Boussière's :)

Thx for reading Lovlies! :*


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