Chapter 24

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Covers made by MistressReign :)


It had been a week since we found Bear and he was doing better. He had more meat on his bones and he was getting used to me, it was obvious that I was his favorite.

"Grayson, are you ready?" Jean asked from the door. We were going for a walk with Bear.

"Yeah." I said as I stood up and hooked the leash to his collar.

We walked out of the house and started our long walk out.

Once we were into the city I noticed more and more people looking as we walked by. Dakota was right, we were all over the news.

But as we walked down the sidewalk there were two people that I really didn't want to see that stopped us.

"Grayson." That raspy voice spoke, I froze as I looked him dead in the eyes, "How is my son?" I fucking jinxed myself.

"Leave me alone." I said as strong as I could with the tears filling my eyes.

"Your the one that keeps running into us." my mother spoke up from behind him, walking up beside my father.

"I suggest you leave now." Jean said calmly, looking very intimidating.

My father took a step towards Jean, "Or what?"

Jean got in my fathers face, "I can put you in jail old man, I know people. If you don't leave now I will make sure you get what you deserve for hurting Grayson." Jean's voice was low and I couldn't help but shudder in slight fear of what might unfold. Bear growled at my father as he stood beside me.

My father smirked and backed away slowly and wrapped his arms around my mother. That was the first time I had actually given her a good look and I saw something that angered me more than there presence.

Your pregnant?!" I screamed.

My mom smiled, showing all her yellow rotted teeth, "You going to have a baby sister."

"You are sick!" I screamed the tears spilling out, "Your really going to bring another life into the world just so you can fuck it up?!" I was so angry I ran up to my dad and gave him a hard push. I knew I wasn't strong but he was drunk and that push was enough to knock him on his ass.

"Your just going to ruin this child's life like you ruined mine!" I yelled at him.

My mom crouched down at his side, "No! Don't help him." I said pulling my mom off of him.

"Grayson." Jean pulled me away, "That's enough." Bear was by his side.

"No!" I yelled, "I can't let my parents fuck up another child's life!" I screamed, I knew people were watching but I didn't care.

My dad was up now and he glared at me, "You little piece of shit!" He yelled and ran up to me. Before I knew what was happening my dad's fist collided with my eye.

I stumbled back and was about to hunker down in fear, just like I always did, but Jean dropped Bear's leash and pushed my dad, hard. He went into the crowd that had gathered.

I grabbed Bear's leash before he could run off and I began to cry. I fell to the floor and held Bear close to me, not wanting to watch Jean and my father try to kill each other.

Thankfully someone called the police. Jean and my father were pulled away from each other. Three cops holding back Jean as two others held back my father.

My fathers face was bloody and I could tell he would have a black eye. Only Jean's lip was bleeding and that was when I snapped out of my frozen state and ran to Jean.

Right before I could get to him a cop pulled me back, "No, please, let me talk to him!" I yelled.

The cop let me go, Bear was still beside me. I ran up to Jean, none of the cops were holding him now. Apperantly Jean really did know people and the cops didn't take him in for questioning.

I wrapped my arms around him holding him tight. I didn't let go, I only turned my head slightly to see my dad being shoved in the back of a cop car and my mom crying at the loss of her psychotic husband.

I turned back to Jean and broke down.

Even if my dad was finally gone, my mom was still going to have that baby and I knew it was going to have a fucked up life. My mother was in no position to raise a child. She still did drugs and drank, I could tell.

Jean had called Harry and he took us home, not asking any questions. He didn't have to, the whole thing would be all over the news in the morning.


Once we got inside I was emotionless. My parents had managed to fuck up every good thing that has happened. Right when things get good, they show up.

I walked up to our room and unhooked Bear's leash.

I was going into the bathroom to change and take a shower and Jean stopped me. He was going to appologize, I could see it. But he shouldn't be the one apologizing I should be the one apologizing. My father hurt him.

"Don't," I said tears slipping out, "Don't apologize, you didn't do anything. My father is the one that hurt me and you."

"Are you okay Grayson?" He asked.

I shook my head no as more tears fell and I turned and walked into the bathroom.

I turned on the shower and stripped down. Seeing all the scars, up and down my body hurt worse today than any other day.

Because of me Jean also got hurt, I didn't just get my self hurt.

I got in the shower, hoping that it would get my mind off of things but it didn't. My scars taunted me.

I got out of the shower and got dressed. I stood infront of the mirror and looked at myself. Seeing my scars and my now black eye.

As I looked at it I saw a cut that I hadn't noticed before.

"Fuck!" I yelled, my dad had managed to give me another scar. I knew the cut would turn into a scar and then I would always have a daily reminder of this day.

Anger flashed through me. I grabbed the first thing I could find on the counter and threw it at the mirror, shattering that one spot where my face had been reflected.

I screamed and sunk to the floor, letting my sobs consume me. My hands were wrapped around myself, holding myself.

I was so out of it that I didn't even hear Jean banging on the door. He came in and he swept me off the floor. I curled into his chest and sobbed.

"I'm sorry," I cried, "I'm so sorry."

"For what Love? You have nothing to be sorry for."

I looked up at him and placed my hand on his cheek, lightly grazing my hand on his lip, close to his cut.

He knew that I was apologizing for his cut and he shook his head, "You didn't do it Grayson." He said lightly.

I closed my eyes and shook my head slightly, holding back more tears.

We were on the bed now so I pushed him back so I was laying on top of him.

There was nothing else in the world that I wanted more than his strong arms wrapped around me, letting me know that I was safe, finally.

I wanted to tell him more but I could wait for the morning.

Poor Grayson, he can never get away :/

I know the is a random QotD but whatever! :)

QotD: Can you play any instrument(s)? If so what can you play?

AotD: I play the Piano, Guitar and Ukelele, I plan to learn more :)

For those of you that don't know, this story got to #48 in Romance! :D Thank you Lovlies so much!!! :*


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