Sorry Im not sober anymore... (Addimelia)

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Everyone lives their life fearing death. They say death is uncertain. It can happen at any time, at any moment, anywhere, when one least expects it to. People try to avoid it throughout their entire life, in fact, it's like some goal you feel you have to reach. Make it till the end and you'll be happy, right? Wrong. This would be true if it happened to be some sick, romantic Disney movie where all our dreams come true but truth be told they never do. Nothing happens the way anyone plans it, you could be walking the street one day and the next you're struck by a moving vehicle and disappear, metaphorically speaking.

The truth is, no matter when someone's time eventually comes, it's not ever the deceased that actually suffers. The people going through the pain and the 5 stages of grief, are those few people who were left behind, feeling abandoned by the one person they truly cared for. The aftermath of someone's death is arguably the worst part. That is terribly unpredictable. That is what is uncertain. Living with a person one day and them not being here the next is scary, in fact, it's a pain no human should ever actually have to endure but people like to say that it's the way it is and it's just life. Maybe this is to make someone feel better about death so that they finally accept it but matter of factly, it doesn't make you miss the person any less. Death is Death. There's no coming back from it.


Amelia Frances Shepherd had always lived her life constantly in her older brother's shadow. In everyone else's eyes, she was known as the other Dr. Shepherd, the wrong Shepherd and Derek's little sister.

She hated it more than anything or, correction she had hated it, until now.

It was strange. Strange, how losing someone could change everything so quickly. Now she was known as the only Dr. Shepherd of Seattle and despite wanting to be her own person for so long, she didn't feel great and mighty like some great superhero that operates on brains and saves lives for a living. She felt lost.

She had dreaded every single phone call she'd had to make to her family and their close friends, informing them about Derek's passing and how Podunk doctors in Podunk hospitals had been the reason he hadn't survived. Every reaction from the other end of the line tested her ability to not break down into tears, her mothers had been the worst. They hardly spoke these days. Amelia had wanted to break away from her mother and sisters for a while, They'd never viewed her in a good light anyway but she knew it had to be her who told them the news before they blamed her for not mentioning it. Losing Derek brought up lots of past, bad memories for the Shepherd family, more specifically losing a husband and a father at such young ages many years ago.

Amelia had to listen to every single word of sorrow or comfort or just the ongoing silence as the person processed everything that had happened. She took a deep breath, dialled the next number and listened to the sound of the phone ring.

Soon someone answered.

"Hey Amelia!" said the voice, seemingly happy to hear from her. "I've been meaning to call you. Actually, I was just about to how creepy is that?" they said with a small laugh. "I need to hear all about this recent surgery you did on Nicole Herman. I heard you rocked it in true Shepherd style."

Amelia remained silent, swallowing the lump that had appeared in her throat. She didn't want to break...

Addison heard the muffled noises on the other end and knitted her brows together, "Amelia?" she asked, with slight concern now on her face as several scenarios went through her mind at once.

"I'm here Addie.." she said after a few seconds more of silence.

"Okay. Something doesn't seem right. What's going on?"

"I.." she said but couldn't finish the sentence right away. "its.. Derek."

Addison then laughed to Amelia's surprise, "Let me guess he's still giving you a hard time now that you have become his boss? Want me to come over to Seattle and kick his ass for you?" she half-joked.

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