Meeting Kai Bartley (Charmelia)

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Amelia was sitting in the waiting area of the airport, looking forward as she scanned her eyes through a few emails that she had left unread. She was always so unorganised with emails. She always told herself she'd get to them in her free time but then that would almost never happen, if at all.

She looked up to the time on her phone screen, 'Six thirty, she'll be here any minute now.' she thought to herself as she put her phone away in her pocket and rose from the chair.

Amelia was excited to see an old friend from her time in LA, She had seen Charlotte a few times since her move to Seattle a few years before, but the two best friends often only stayed in touch over regular FaceTime calls and texts as they both had kids and worked 24/7, without ever really catching a break. However, they had finally gotten a date together and managed to both get the time away from work.

Her eyes wandered over to the gate as people started to walk through it and that's when she saw the blonde-haired, chief of staff from St Ambroses Hospital in Los Angeles emerging from the crowds of people, her right hand clutched onto a suitcase. Charlotte spotted her soon enough and they both ran over to each other, the suitcase being forgotten about for a moment as Amelia threw her arms around Charlotte with such a force that Charlotte had to practically catch her and hold them both upright.

Once they had a moment to realise that they were both in the same building together, they broke their embrace and looked at each other.

"Well, that was for sure a nice flight without three gremlins fighting over their Mama's attention, not to mention the chaos in LA right now," Charlotte said, her southern twang strong as ever and her megawatt smile taking over her face.

Amelia laughed at what she had said and then linked arms with her, "Hey don't get too relieved, this place is just as hectic if not more." she said, "And we don't exactly have the best beachfront here which is a let down in itself."

Charlotte took her suitcase back into her hand and walked beside her and out into the parking lot, "So when's the reservation booked for? An hour right?" she asked to which Amelia nodded as they approached the car, opening the door for Charlotte, before getting in the drivers side.

"So this new partner of yours? Are they hot? good in bed?" she asked with a wink.

"Charlotte! Oh my god!" Amelia face palmed.

"Oh come on! We all know it's an important question that must be asked!" Charlotte told her, amused. "At least tell me if they're hot."

"Okay fine." Amelia sighed and shook her head. "Yes and Yes."

Charlotte rolled her eyes but kept a smile on her face, "Vague as ever."

Amelia beamed, suddenly getting the largest smile across her face as she thought about them, "Okay they're like incredible, like I've never felt like this before and I've been in love so many times that I'm surprised I haven't lost count yet."

"What do you feel?" Charlotte wondered.

"Like Amelia," she said and saw a confused look make its way onto the other woman's face. "Like old Amelia, Med school Amelia, Happy Amelia, Pre-drugs Amelia."

"Okay, Okay, enough of the third person." Charlotte was laughing at the way she was suddenly beaming when speaking of her new partner. "So they make you feel free to be yourself without judgment?"

Amelia gestured towards her with her hand, "Okay that's a better way of wording it yeah." she said and then parked up outside the restaurant, laying her head back on the seat for a moment with a sigh. "I don't know it's just different, like I don't know I feel seen and I didn't fall in love, I mean I kinda just slid into it and it wasn't supposed to happen but it did and its like two puzzles pieces that just kinda fit, you know?"

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