Chapter XI

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Megumi and I alternated looking after the stuffed animal like a real child, one week at one's house, the other week at the other's. We had a lot of fun together. He really lent himself to the task, and I appreciated Megumi showing me this caring side of him.
- "It's your turn this week".
I took Thomas out of my bag and handed it to Megumi, who put it back in her bag.
- "I'll take good care of it, as always".
He smiled with his eyes, I liked the way he smiled.
- "I'm sorry to bother you, even if you are my favorite little couple. I'm borrowing Y/n, Megumi."
Nobara took me behind her at her words.
It was Wednesday afternoon, a new café had opened in town, one of those cafés where they draw things on milk. Nobara was desperate to try it, so I suggested we go.
- " Where exactly is this café? "
I asked, not having looked into the matter.
- " Not far from the mall, I think... "
She said, going to her phone.
I put my head over her shoulder.
- "Am I dreaming or don't you know where this café is?"
I asked, laughing softly.
- "Nice! "
Nobara put a GPS on his phone that led us to the café.

We arrived about fifteen minutes later.
Nobara entered the store excitedly. She and I placed our order and settled into a quiet corner.
- "Well?"
she asked.
- "So what?"
I asked her confused.
- "Don't be silly Y/n!!! "
Nobara laughed at me.
- "Ah, uhh.."
- "Anything new? "
- "I-"
- "And here you go ladies!"
The waiter placed the coffees on the table and left.
- "So?"
Nobara resumed, taking a sip of her drink.
- "Hmm, we made up but nothing crazy."
- "But Y/n!!! Face the facts and stop being stupid. You're raising a stuffed animal as if it were your own child, there can't be anything between you"
It's true that when you put it like that, she's not totally wrong... I twiddled my thumbs, thinking.
- "I think you should discuss it together, maybe it will help things move forward".
She said with a wry smile.
- "I don't think that's a good idea because-"
- "Ishida?? "
Nobara burst out.
But damn it, everyone's cutting me off.
I turned and saw Ishida with a girl.
Nobara called out to him.
Damn it.
I had nothing against Ishida but Megumi didn't like him so I avoided his company.
- "Hello Nobara and..."
Ishida flashed a wry smile.
- "Hi princess."
He approached me and bent down to kiss me on the cheek.
I pushed him away gently, I didn't want any more trouble with Megumi.
Nobara and Ishida chatted for a few minutes, I paying no attention to their discussion.
- "Anyway, I'm going to go now, see you girls later".
Ishida waved to Nobara and blew me a kiss.
I rolled my eyes and sighed.
- "He's never going to let you go it seems"
- "Apparently so, look"
I turned to the woman he was with.
- "He's a womanizer Nobara, we were nothing so I mean nothing to him"
I shrugged.
- "I think he's just jealous of Megumi"
I added.
- "Possibly."
Nobara replied, sipping his coffee.
- "It's not like you're interested in him"
I nodded.
- "We all know who your favorite is"
Nobara said with a slight laugh.
- "Nobara.."
I said, annoyed.
- "Oh come on Y/n, admit it!!! "
- Never! "
I replied vexed.
- "Never? So there is something"
She said proudly.
I didn't respond to her provocations.
- "Oh Y/n, I have to go buy some perfume are you coming? "
She offered.
- "Sure."

We paid and left the café.
- "The perfume shop in the mall?"
I asked.
Nobara nodded and we entered that one.
Arriving in the store, she paced the aisles looking for her perfume. As she tried them on, I felt a familiar scent tickle my nostrils, that of Megumi, his perfume.
I turned around and looked in all directions, but there was no sign of him.
- "Are you okay, Y/n? You seem troubled."
She asked with a pink box in her hands.
- "Oh yes, I just thought something smelled like Megumi."
- "Ahhh my little Y/n, love is beautiful but stop thinking about him for a moment"
She put her arm under mine and took me to the checkout with her.

After the shopping session I went home and settled on the sofa scrolling through my phone.
M : "Y/n? "
Oh Megumi? It's true we haven't seen each other since this morning.
Me : "Yes Megumi? "
I wonder what he wants.
M : " Are you busy tonight? "
Me : "No, why?"
I frowned, confused.
M : "My dad's not home tonight so I thought you could come over.... :) "
I was surprised Megumi had thought of that.
Me : "Yes, that would be great! What time is it? "
M : "7 o'clock? "
"It's perfect! I'll be there :) "
Megumi at like my message.
It's 5:30, I should start getting ready.
I pulled out one of my skirts that I don't often wear for the occasion and put on my makeup. It's been a while since our last outing and I'm excited.
I left home around 6:30 p.m., deciding to walk - Megumi's house wasn't that far from mine.

I arrived in front of his house about twenty minutes later. Not daring to ring, I sent him a message.
"I'm here! "
Megumi opened the door and smiled at me.
- "The doorbell works, you know."
I smiled at her and looked away embarrassed.
- "Come on in"
He beckoned me in, still with that warm smile on his face.
Megumi and I sat down on the sofa.
- "So your coffee date with Nobara?"
He asked.
I remembered how she'd torn me away from him.
I giggled.
- "It was pretty good."
I thought back to Ishida and hesitated to tell him.
- "Even though I've crossed paths with Ishida."
I'd rather not hide anything from him.
Megumi frowned.
- "Did he talk to you? "
He asked, draping his arm over the cushion behind my head and turning to me.
- "Hmm, yes."
I bit my lip, hoping he wouldn't get upset like last time.
- "But I repacked him."
I smiled shyly at Megumi.
- "Good"
Megumi shifted slightly toward me.
- "Shall we order some food? "
- "Sure! "
He pulled out his phone.
- "What do you want to eat? "
He asked me
- "Hmm."
I pondered.
- "Pizza?"
- "Okay!"
Megumi ordered.
He rested his head on my shoulder and hugged a pillow.
- "Movie? "
I acquired and he got up to fetch the Dvds he had.
I saw one of my favorite films in the ones he released.
- "Which one do you want to watch? "
He asked, showing me the dvds.
- " 1917 "
- "Oh you like that kind of movie? "
He asked surprised.
- "Don't you? "
- "Yes I do, it's rare to see people like this kind of film."
He smiled warmly.
Megumi put the DVD in the player and turned on the TV.
The sound of the doorbell rang.
- "Ah, I'll get it, ma'am."
He headed for the door.
I blushed slightly.
Megumi returned with the pizza boxes.
- "Just in time for the movie! "
He exclaimed.
Megumi went to the kitchen to get something to wipe his hands, cut the pizzas and drink.
We ate, then the first movie ended and Megumi wanted to go on with a horror film.
He brought over a blanket, I folded my legs on the sofa and settled down with a cushion in my arms.
I didn't feel reassured during this film, moving my foot as I mentally prepared myself for the first screameur.
Unfortunately, before I was even ready, a horrifying image appeared on the screen, which made me jump.
Megumi turned to me with a worried expression.
- "Are you okay?"
- "Y-yes."
I replied, my voice trembling.
- "Come here."
Megumi put his arm around my shoulder and pulled me tenderly close.
I rested my head on his shoulder and put my hand on his chest.

When the film ended, there was a moment of silence, and the atmosphere was tense but not awkward.
I looked up at Megumi, he looked down at me. We admired each other's eyes for long minutes, when Megumi leaned towards me to break the distance.
I could feel his warm breath against my skin and especially against my lips.
Megumi looked anxious, his cheeks flushed with pink.
He came closer and closer to me.
- " If you're uncomfortable, or think it's too much, just push me away".
He whispered his words.
I wasn't sure how I felt about him, but I knew one thing : I wanted his lips against mine now.
- "You're going to have to guide me through this"
I answered shyly, feeling my cheeks flush red.
Megumi seemed confused.
- "As if I knew..."
- "You've never kissed anyone before? "
I asked.
He looked at my lips, then my eyes.
- "No... I don't want your first kiss to be terrible."
- "Impossible."
Our lips were only a few millimeters apart.
- "Can I? "
He asked shyly.
- "Kiss me."
Megumi pressed his lips to mine tenderly, they were soft and pleasant just as I'd imagined. His forehead pressed against mine as I ran my hands around the back of his neck to accentuate the moment.
He pulled back gently.
- "I'm sorry, are you sure you-"
I didn't give him time to finish his sentence, I kissed him even more. I didn't want him to feel guilty or apologetic during this moment that seemed like a dream.
Megumi grabbed my hips, causing the blanket to fall to the floor. He guided me with his hands until I sat on his lap.
I unhooked myself from his lips to catch my breath, looked Megumi in the eyes and seemed completely panicked.
- "I'm so sorry oh my god I should definitely not have done I-"
- "Megumi"
- "If you don't want to talk to me again I get I-"
- " Megumi "
I tried to sound him out but there was nothing I could do.
- " I'm just so- "
I pulled him by the shirt and kissed him again.

After that, we put on a final film, which I fell asleep to. I didn't know what we were, but I didn't care as long as I was with him.

The boy from the bookstore ( Megumi x Reader )Where stories live. Discover now