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Truly, Killer always won at these games with him and sometimes it was dangerous. . Way too dangerous.

Dream wouldn't have minded if it was safe but as of now, he had a feeling that this wasn't the right thing to do, wasn't at all close to safety but Stars, was Killer skilled. The whispers tickling his bones made him shiver and the blade curiously poking at his ribs was another trick that easily got him speechless, rendering him unable to make any sounds except for those uneven inhales and exhales that only made the assassin grin wider.

After a moment, Killer moved his knife away to lick at it's surface. He enjoyed the little bit of divine blood he managed to get and as he did so, he made sure that Dream's chest was still exposed. . So that he could devour the one he has missed so much with his gaze. The slight breeze blowing through the leaves of trees and bushes also swirled through the guardian's body since his ribcage was exposed. That made him move uncomfortably, yet this sensation was oddly satisfying. . Dream couldn't really tell why. He couldn't move much but his legs were somewhat free, so he moved them further apart to allow Killer to move with ease then rested his skull completely against the structure. All while staring back at his lover, he wore an expression that begged him to stop but to continue at the same time. This mix of emotions was lovely to the taller skeleton.

Be quiet, mm?

Killer continued whispering, his free hand running down Dream's side. His touch and words were getting too much for the poor guardian who couldn't help but allow his magic to burn. . It started spreading across his body to build his gold ectoplasmic body and that sight was enough to make Killer chuckle out of excitement. His fingers moved to caress under the shorter's forming thigh, soon they squeezed the new skin then dipped their claws in to make Dream gasp. Killer just loved playing with him, seeing his starlight twist and turn in pleasure. . Or forcing moans out of him became his new favorite things. That was why he couldn't wait, he couldn't hold back his needs anymore and certainly not in the presence of such a cutely dressed boyfriend.

Dream heard the warning and readied himself for any upcoming actions from his lover, he was kind of afraid of all the possible things the other would do to him. . He knew that Killer wouldn't hesitate to do the most dirtiest things to him and the only thing stopping the assassin from going too far was the fact that Dream was his Boss's brother. However Killer liked that thrill and would keep bringing Dream to the edge until he would be too weak to endure more of this tender suffering.

Right now, Killer eyed over the guardian's body with an intense stare and noticed how the clothing hugged each of his newly formed limbs. The pants nicely showed the modest thickness of his thighs and his glowing chest looked vulnerable with his turtleneck still lifted up, it was slightly translucent and he could still admire the ribs he playfully poked earlier. Killer was smiling widely, skin was going to be fun to cut into, much more satisfying than bones since he knew his blade could dive in deeper this time around. . He moved in closer and pressed himself some more against his lover, licking over his teeth.

Can't wait eh? Damn, starlight~

He commented smugly, knowing that whatever he would say in this deeper tone, it would fluster Dream no matter what. And to his delight, it did. Dream attempted to not show it but his cheekbones were becoming almost as bright as his ectoplasm and he couldn't hide it, not even behind his small hands. It wasn't only the flirts that brought the shorter one to melt but also the way the other moved against him. . It would be as if he was fucking him indirectly, the clothes were but only a useless barrier between them. Dream couldn't stop him, even though his mind screamed at him to stop, to stop him, his soul was enjoying this dangerous game way too much.

While he rolled his hips to distract the other, Killer would bring his knife over to his chest and graze the clean blade onto the fake muscles. He caressed each shape gently, not hard enough to cut into his darling star. . He would only slit the skin right when his weapon reached above Dream's pants to make him jolt at the pain. Slowly, he lifted it up with his knife as a tease to what was coming up next. He moved down to kiss at his cheekbone, then playfully licked it to receive a quiet moan from the guardian. Dream moved his hands to rest them above his skull, his gentle fingers would be bathing in the cold pool of the fountain which would make him shiver from the contrast of temperature but it felt so pleasant that he didn't mind. He allowed each action to happen, losing and giving himself to his lover completely.

He was kissed by Killer once more and out of excitement, he moaned against his teeth. At the sound, the knife at his stomach sunk deeper into his flesh which made him wince in pain but a hand was suddenly slammed over his mouth, hushing him. He gave an apologetic look at the assassin who only shook his skull.

Tsk, tsk. . I told you to be quiet. Didn't I?

The guardian nodded and Killer hummed, removing the knife from the magic which made Dream close his eye sockets momentarily.

You're very good like that, I know you can do it Dreamy~

He praised him and eyed down at Dream's lower body. He watched as he slid his own blade under his starlight's pants and chuckled darkly as he noticed the shorter trembling in anticipation. . Out of excitement or fear, Killer seemed to be liking it.

It was just before he got to pull down this interesting piece of clothing that he felt a cold sensation stung his soul. Both him and Dream felt it and with just a look, they understood each other immediately. They knew this sensation all too well and it was not a positive sign at all. . Panicked Dream quickly got back on his feet and Killer backed away reluctantly, moving his knife out of his lover's way.

You two have been having a lot of fun together, haven't you?

The voice the two skeletons heard sent something that felt like a spear through their souls and they slowly turned over to it's direction, they were completely taken aback when they saw who was standing in front of them with the most menacing aura.

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