Another Step to Functionality

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"So this is your brilliant idea? You're going to leave me here with Sasha and go on some wild goose chase for 'scout work'?" Harper was fuming, her arms crossed and her face twisted in a scowl. "This sounds like a reckless and impulsive decision to me."

Allen was busy strapping on his gear, trying to ignore Harper's rant. They were both in the Control Room of the bunker.

"We don't have the forces, three people mind you, to take contracts! Besides, our relationship with them is all over the place, and I don't even know half of 'em! The command structure is with us both. And that contract is shoddy at best, a paper slip at worst!" Harper continued.

"Wait, hold it there." Allen interrupted. "You're misunderstanding something. This contract benefits us more than them. In exchange for paying our debt to Marina, we also get a first-hand look at the Alterna site. Remember, they should have ACUs in their ranks, sealed away in the underground storage facilities."


"Right... The Dominion doesn't use ACUs. And..." Harper started to think out loud, lowering her voice.

"We're short on anything else. No drones, armor, and everything else." Allen sighed. "I don't like the idea of leaving as much as you do, but if I'm quick, I'll be back within the month. You can hold out till then. Oh, and where did I leave my rifle...?"

"At the apartment, sir." Harper sighed herself, looking to her left. "Just... Be careful, alright?"

"Worried for me? That's sweet." Allen chuckled, saluting her as he left the Control Room.




"Everyone here?" Marina clapped her hands, speaking in English to a bunch of Inklings. "Oh, uh, wait."

A soft chuckle escaped her, adding a touch of playfulness.

"If we're all here, let me get down to business. Allen is already briefed, so he's in the loop. Just to recap, after Agents 3 and 4 scouted the Alterna site, we stumbled upon Octarian activity. I have some doubts about their plans, and they don't bode well." Marina cleared her throat, stiffening her posture before continuing. "Before we continue, any questions?"

"Uh, yeah, how is Allen a part of this again?" Agent 4 asked.

"Well, first, he isn't affected by ink. Their weapons are basically useless against him. Unless, they like, drown him or something. He's also a trained soldier, so his experience and skills are invaluable." Marina's gaze shifted toward Allen, her smile inviting. "You might learn a thing or two!"

Agent 4 obviously took offense to this, but he was stopped by Agent 3.

"Here's something I wondered while I was out scouting: how many Octarians are we dealing with?" Agent 3 asked, her voice raised to mask Agent 4's.

"That's a good one. I have no idea. I'm guessing quite a few. Not that I'm going to be in the fray, I'll be doing command stuff." Marina chuckled to herself. "Oh, but I'll worry for you both."

"Both? What about Allen over here?" Agent 3 pointed towards him.

"I'll worry, but he's more than capable of taking care of himself. You two, however, worry me more. Please, steer clear of unnecessary risks." Marina sighed, but then her mood suddenly lifted. "But! Let's get into it!"

She then detailed everything required for the scout mission. Allen was already briefed, so he was zoning out the entire time.

To give you the rundown, essentially this mission is divided up into two parts. Scouting, and then Assault. Marina didn't say the second part was Assault, but Allen was more than sure that's what it was.

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