Chapter 3

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Heather Gibbs walked through the front door of her father-in-law's race shop on a mission. She greeted Marlene before heading straight for the elevator. Heather was always welcome at the shop without an appointment. Once she stepped off the elevator on the second floor, she was immediately greeted by no less than 8 different office personal and three crew chiefs. Heather walked down the hallway to find her destination. She saw that she didn't have a session in progress, so she knocked on the door. When she heard a 'come on' from the other side, Heather walked in. Once she walked in, she found Jocelyn sitting at her desk.
"Ms. Davis?"
"Please, call me Jocelyn. What can I help you with?"
"I'm Heather. Heather Gibbs, Ty's mom."
"Mrs. Gibbs. That's right. How are you doing?"
"I'm doing pretty good. I want to talk to you about my son and what goes on here."
"You know I can't tell you what goes on in therapy sessions, right?"
"I know, I would never violate his privacy like that. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I've seen a change in my son since he started talking with you."
I've only seen him three times."
"I saw a change in him after the first session. I've been trying to get him to talk to someone after his dad passed away in November, but he just flat out refused. Said he didn't need to talk to anyone about it. I could tell he was hurting, going from the highest of highs to the lowest of lows. It just absolutely broke my heart."
"Mrs. Gibbs..." Heather waved a hand at her as she wiped a few stray tears off her cheeks. Jocelyn handed her the box of tissues.
"No need for formalities now. You helped my son get back to where he needs to be. Where God wants him to be. You put him back there."
"I just sat and listened to him."
"You're a really good listener then. Thank you. Please, don't let him stop seeing you. I don't want him to slip into the hole he fell into."
"I can't force anyone to see me, but I have feeling I won't be able to keep him away." She said with a laugh. "But, seriously, you have an amazing son. Very determined."
"Always has been." They chatted for a fee more minutes before Heather deducted she needed to go. She pulled Jocelyn into a hug, much to her surprise. "I'm sure you're plenty busy, so I'll let you get back to work."
"If you ever need anyone to talk, you know where to find me." Heather gave her yet another smile before leaving Jocelyn's office. As she got closer to the elevator, Heather saw her eldest son.
"Mom. Hi. What are you doing here?" He asked, giving her a hug.
"Just taking care of some business. What are you up to?"
"I was just going to grab some lunch."
"Good, you can take your mom out for lunch."
"Oh. Okay." Ty followed his mom to the elevator. "Seriously, what were you doing here?"
"I came to talk to Jocelyn."
"She gave me my son back."
"Mom..." Heather put a hand on his cheek. They got off the elevator and headed out the door to Ty's Supra. Ty took Heather to lunch and then helped her run her errands before heading back to the race shop.
"Well, are you still coming to dinner tonight?" Tonight was the monthly family dinner with his grandparents Joe and Patricia, his aunt Melissa, his siblings and his cousins.
"Of course. Grandma wouldn't let me hear the end of it if I didn't come."
"That is true." Heather said with a laugh. "I will see you tonight." Heather gave him a hug before getting in her own car and leaving.  Ty headed back inside the race shop to finish up what he started before heading home. He headed back upstairs. As soon as he stepped off the elevator, Ty stopped dead in his tracks. He hadn't seen her all day as she had therapy sessions the entire day. He now wondered if she had that outfit on all day. It was definitely not her usual attire of dresses and skirts that flowed around her legs. This outfit was something completely different. Her dark washed jeans hugged every curve she had and the lacy corset top left nothing for the imagination, thank God for the leather jacket she wore over it. Her hair, that usually stay up off her shoulders or half up, was loosely curled and hung around her shoulders.
"Jocelyn." Jocelyn turned and her face lit up. Ty felt a swell in his chest and his palms got sweaty knowing that look was for him.
"Hey, Ty! I haven't seen you at all today."
"I've...been around. You look...good. Great."
"Thanks! Martin, Denny, and Christopher asked if I wanted to get dinner and drinks after. Christopher is bringing Morgan. John Hunter was going to come, but Aspen isn't feeling very well."
"Oh. Well, uh...have fun."
"Thanks. I'm just glad I'm not sitting at home alone for the umpteenth day in a row." She said as the over Cup Series drivers came walking up. Martin came up next to her and put his arm around her shoulders. Ty involuntarily clenched his fist.
"Sup, Ty Ty?" He said with a smirk.
"Nothing, just...nothing."
"We should really get going. Happy hour starts soon. See ya kiddo." Martin reached over and ruffled Ty's hair. Ty quickly swatted the older man's hand away.
"Have a good night, Ty." Jocelyn said she was whisked away to the elevator. They made eye contact as the doors close.
"I'm really starting to hate that guy."
"Tyler Randall, put your phone away." Heather scolded her oldest child after seeing him sneaking glances at his phone under the table. "Nothing is more important than this family dinner."
"Sorry mom." He took one more quick glance of the photo Martin had posted on Twitter of the group before shoving his phone under his leg. He was still pissed at Martin for practically dangling Jocelyn in his face like that. Why did he care so much? Ty barely listened to the conversations that were being held at the table as he pushed his food around his plate.
"Is there something wrong with the food, Ty?" Ty looked up at his grandma.
"It's great, grandma. Why?"
"We'll, You've been pushing it around your plate for the last 10 minutes."
"I'm just not very hungry."
"I , at least, hope you are hungry for pie." Ty smiled.
"Of course, grandma." While the grandkids cleared the table, Patricia prepared the two apple pies she had made. Ty took that opportunity to check his phone, seeing more photos on Instagram at some bar in downtown Charlotte. He saw the picture of her smiling and laughing with the others, her jacket now off and draped over the chair she sat in. Her porcelain skin practically glowing under the bar lights as her emerald eyes shown brighter than ever. It was the perfect photo. Almost. Ruining it was the smug face of his teammate's. Ty still couldn't figure out why it was bothering him so much. He swiped the photo away, finding a video of her and Morgan singing some Taylor Swift song that had been playing.
"Who's that?" Ty's sister, Elle, asked.
"Nobody." Ty shoved his phone into his back pocket.
"Whoever she is, she looks too old for you."
"Nobody asked for your opinion, Elle."
"You know I'm going to give it to you anyway."
"Leave me alone."
"You should really get a girlfriend."
"Don't want one."
"I have a couple of friends that would be perfect for you."
"And all of those friends are ones that their parents won't let them date."
"They could make an exception for a nice, Christian boy who happens to be a very exceptional racecar driver."
"Are you complimenting me right now?" Elle rolled her eyes as her brother laughed.
"Take it and run. You won't get another one any time soon." Ty rolled her eyes. "She is very pretty though."
"She is."
"Does Ty have a crush on her?"
"No." He said way too quickly. A smug smile spread across Elle's face.
"I think you do!" Ty quickly covered her mouth with his hand. Elle immediately stuck her tongue out between her lips to lick his hand. Ty's left her mouth before wiping her saliva on her shirt. Elle gave her older brother a shove. "Don't put your hand on my mouth."
"Nobody can find out, okay? That's the therapist grandpa and Dave hired for the team."
"Jocelyn Davis."
"She's like 30."
"Almost 32."
"And you're not even 21 yet. You can't go out with a girl like that."
"Even if I wanted to, she would shoot me down. Listen, Elle. Please, don't tell anyone about this. Not mom, not grandma, and especially not grandpa."
"50 bucks and I'll forget all about it."
"You are seriously not standing here brlackmailing me."
"I can go into the dining room right now and tell mom. She'll give you the talk." Ty groaned, but pulled out his wallet. He barely had the bill out of his wallet before Ella snatched it out of his hand. "Mom wouldn't let me buy the Midnights album on vinyl after buying the disc, but now I'm going to. You're secret is safe with me."
"It better be or you owe me double." Elle rolled her eyes before leaving him alone in the kitchen. What was he doing? He knew how he felt the moment he saw her in the lobby three weeks ago. He couldn't keep it a secret anymore. Ty decided, right then and there, he was going to tell Jocelyn how he felt. God could only hoped it would work out for him.

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