Chapter 19

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"Gibbs!" Ty turned around for the familiar voice of Kaia Stenhouse. Ty hadn't seen her in ages, since before he and Evie broke up almost a year ago. Kaia had left to go do some karting in Europe, kicking some European butts. "Long time no see!" Kaia gave her friend a hug.
"What are you doing here? I thought you were still in Europe?"
"I got back a while ago. Back in school. Dad's thrilled. Mad I missed the 500 win." Kaia was Ricky Stenhouse Jr.'s only child. Ricky was only 16 when Kaia was born, so naturally Ricky was very protective of her. Ty was surprised when Kaia told him she was heading to Europe for a while to race.
"He was definitely missing you that night. How are you?"
"Not bad. School is boring and I wish I was still karting, but I knew it was time to come back. I forgot to say how sorry I am about you and Evie. Never thought she would do that to you. Thought she loved you."
"I thought so too. That's done and over with. I've moved on."
"Thank God."
"Are you two still friends?"
"Not really. Haven't really talk to her. Guess she's here with Mayer." Ty rolled his eyes.
"Of course she is."
"Haven't seen her since?"
"Up until two weeks ago. She showed up at the shop to make amends or try to get me back. I don't know."
"Does she have no shame?"
"Absolutely not. Have you seen Harrison yet?"
"God no. I don't know how that will go."
"You never know if you don't try."
"True. Are you seeing anyone?"
"Actually, I am." Ty said with a smile.
"I take it you're happy?"
"Happier than I've ever been."
"That's good. I'm glad. Listen, I have to get going. Dad is..."
"Kaia." They both turned, seeing Harrison Burton standing a few feet away.
"I'll leave you to it." Ty said before heading off to the garage area. He did have a bit of time before practice and qualifying. Ty headed to the 11 hauler for the brief team meeting. The other three were already in there when Ty walked in.
"It's about time you got here." Martin said.
"Hello to you too." Ty said, rolling his eyes.
"How did you get Jocelyn to stay in your extra bedroom in your coach?"
"I'm actually nice to people, Truex."
"Sure. How does Grace and TR feel about this?"
"Why do you even care?"
"I'm just curious."
"Can you two stop?" Christopher said.
"Yeah. You're bickering makes my brain hurt." Denny said, rubbing his temples.
"Any actual thinking makes your brain hurt. Kasey definitely isn't with you for your brains."
"Now we're picking on me?" Denny said with an eye roll. Joe came in and only had a few words for his Cup drivers before practice. They all filed out, Ty holding up the rear with Denny right in front of him. "Seriously, how did you get her to stay with you?"
"What is wrong with you guys? If you're trying to fish for some dirt, you're not going to get it."
"What am I supposed to tell Kasey when we're both finally home together?"
"I don't know what to tell you."
"You're no fun."
"Kaia Stenhouse is back. Y'all can talk about that."
"Still crushing on Burton?"
"Absolutely." They parted ways as soon as they got to their stalls. Ty checked his phone really quick, seeing a message from Jocelyn. She, Morgan, Taylor, and Bennett headed away from the track for some retail therapy as Jocelyn called it. Ty opened it, seeing an old Redskins helmet with the caption 'You think Coach can sign this for me?' Ty chuckled before handing his phone off to his PR. Practice and qualifying went well, Ty the 9th fastest time in practice and barely missing out on the final round. He would be starting 11th on Sunday. Ty headed back to the coach lot to find Jocelyn. Hopefully, she was back or on her way back. He wanted to see if she wanted to watch the Xfinity race or wanted to do something else. When he finally got back, Ty saw the trio and Bennett getting out of the car.
"Hey, Ty!" Morgan called out. "How did practice and qualifying go?"
"9th in practice and 11th in qualifying."
"Not bad. Have you seen my husband?"
"Not for a while."
"I'll call him." Morgan turned to the other girls. "I had so much fun. We need to do this again." They both agreed.
"We're going to go find daddy. See you guys later!"
"Bye, Taylor! Bye bye Bennett!" Jocelyn waved at the baby, getting a toothless grin back. "He is so cute." Jocelyn turned to Ty.
"I was thinking about watching the Xfinity race from the 19 box. Is that something you would want to do?" Jocelyn closed the gap between them.
"I could find a few things I'd like to do." Jocelyn took his hand and led him inside the coach. They were barely inside when Ty's hands were on her hips. He pulled her close, her back flush to his chest. Ty snaked a hand under the hem her t-shirt, his fingers grazed the bottom of her fabric covered breast. Jocelyn's fell back onto his shoulder as Ty kissed her neck. "Ty..."
"I love you." Jocelyn's heart swelled. She pulled away, Ty letting out a groan. Jocelyn grabbed his hand, practically dragging him to the back bedroom. Ty gently closed the door. He turned around, finding Jocelyn pulling her shirt over her head. "What are you doing?"
"Taking this off before I take that off." Jocelyn replied, gesturing to the firesuit that Ty still had on. Ty walked over to her. Her hands immediate went to the top. Jocelyn un-velcroed the collar before going for the zipper. She slowly pulled it down. "Do I really want this all the way off?"
"What do you mean?"
"Morgan and Taylor kept going on about how hot was to keep it on."
"Oh really?"
"Morgan and Christopher have only tried with the top down, but Taylor and Ross a little more adventurous with it just being unzipped."
"That's what you girls talk about?"
"Maybe." Jocelyn moved her hands from his hips under the open firesuit. Ty shrugged his shoulders out of his suit. She helped him pulled his arms out. Before he could do anything, Ty was spun around and pushed down on the bed. He sat down on the edge of the bed. Jocelyn kicked off her sandals before she started on her jean shorts. Ty grabbed her arm, pulling her into his lap. Jocelyn liked the feel of suit material on her bare skin. "Isn't this better than watching the race?" She asked, pulling his compression shirt over his head.
"Much better." Ty soon had her chasing that high he knew was only for him. Ty wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her all the way down on his length. Jocelyn's head fell back as Ty placed an open mouthed kiss to her neck as she slowly pull herself up off his length. She came back down, just as slow.
"God, Joce..." The intense heat between them as everything fell into sync was off the charts. Every time their hips met made the fire in her belly grow even larger. Needing her to come first, Ty reached a hand between them, slowly circling her center. Jocelyn let out a moan, her thrusts into him sharper. She rode him faster, desperate for her release. When her release came, Jocelyn let out a sigh as she saw stars behind her eyes as they slid shut. Watching her come was all Ty needed. One thrust inside and he came undone. They sat there for a while, Ty placing feather light kisses on her neck and lips.
"Wanna watch the race now?" Ty laughed.
"How about a shower and early dinner while watching?"
"Sounds like a plan."

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