Chapter 22

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Ty could see her from inside his car in the JGR parking lot. He hadn't talked to or seen her since Sunday and it was now Wednesday morning. Ty was still trying to make sense of everything that had happened after the race on Sunday. All the joy that he felt when he knew she loved him went away when she dropped that bombshell on him. Ty watched as Jocelyn crossed the parking lot with her bag and iced coffee in hand. She wasn't dressed like she usually did in flowy dresses and skirts. Today, Jocelyn had opted for jeans and a cream-colored wrap sweater with wedged heels on her feet. Ty pulled out his phone. He scrolled, finding the email for his therapy session today. He took a deep breath and hit cancel. Ty watched as Jocelyn dug her purse out of her phone to read the notification. He watched as she let out what he knew was a shaky breath before walking into the doors. Ty sat in his car for a while before a knock on his driver's side window made him jump.
"What?" Ty asked his teammate as he rolled down his window.
"You gonna sit in your car in the parking lot all day?" Christopher asked.
"I'm coming." He rolled his window back up before getting out.
"We're you waiting for her to go inside before you got out because you two haven't talked yet?"
"It's really none of your business." Ty said as they walked through the lot to the front door. They greeted Marlene before taking the elevator up to the offices.
"I really don't understand why you are torturing yourself like this."
"What part of 'none of your business' don't you understand?"
"No need to get snippy."
"No need to be nosy." The elevator doors opened and they both stepped out. They headed towards the conference rooming for the team meeting. When they came around the corner, Ty's steps slightly faltered. He was hoping she made it to her office, but there Jocelyn was. Standing and talking to Joe in front of the conference room door. He finally got look at her face. She had her glasses on, seeing that her eyes were slightly puffy and still red, like she had not stopped crying since Sunday after the race.
"Ty, why did you cancel your session with Jocelyn today?"
"Didn't know that information wasn't confidential."
"I do get emails when when someone cancels a therapy session. She didn't tell me anything."
"I'm going to go. Great job again, Ty, on the top 5." Jocelyn turned on her heel and practically ran away.
"Why did you?"
"Didn't think I have anything to talk about." Ty said before heading into the conference room for the meeting.  Instead of sitting next to Christopher, Ty sat by Chris Gayle. He stay silent  ignoring the buzzing sound from his phone. He was glad when the meeting was finally over. Ty finally looked at his phone, seeing it was only Truex sending him messages.
"You don't know how to check your phone?" Martin asked, walking up to him.
"Was trying to pay attention. What did you want?"
"Did you see Davis this morning?"
"Why are you asking me this?"
"She looks like she's been crying. You don't think her and TR..."
"Why are you so obsessed?" Ty asked before leaving the conference room. He didn't know what to do now. This was usually his time to head to Jocelyn's office.
"You okay?" Chris Gayle asked his driver.
"Uh, yeah, I'm fine. Just figuring out what to do now." Chris only nodded before leaving his driver alone. Ty headed to the bistro for some coffee and a doughnut. The HR girls always brought in doughnuts on Tuesdays. Ty filled his cup up with hot coffee and grabbed a doughnut out of one of the white boxes.
"Any good ones left?" Ty heard Christopher's voice behind him.
"There's a few. And some with coconut on top. Who eats doughnuts with coconut?"
"Some of the road guys do." Christopher grabbed one of out the box before taking a healthy bite. "Listen, I just want to apologize to prying either. I'm just generally concerned about the both of you."
"I need to deal with this on my own, Christopher. I appreciate the concern, but..."
"I get it. I totally do." Christopher took another bite. "Don't tell Morgan about this doughnut." Ty actually smiled.
"My lips are sealed."
Seeing that cancelation that morning definitely hurt. And seeing the way he looked at her before the meeting this morning about killed her. Jocelyn knew it was all her fault. She had spent Sunday night crying herself to sleep and most of Monday doing the same. Luckily, Jocelyn didn't have any therapy sessions scheduled Monday. When she got the notification that Ty had canceled, all Jocelyn wanted to do was turn around and go home. Instead, Jocelyn soldiered on and headed into work. She didn't leave her office much that morning, not running the risk of running into Ty. By the time lunch rolled around, Jocelyn still wasn't hungry.
"Hey, Joce." Jocelyn looked up, seeing Morgan standing in her doorway.
"Hey, Morgan. What's up?"
"Want to do lunch?"
"I'm not really hungry, but I was thinking about doing a quick Costco run on my break in session. The road guys have been asking again. Do you want to come with?"
"Absolutely." Jocelyn grabbed her purse and headed out of her office. They were heading towards when they ran into Christopher.
"What are you doing here?" Christopher asked, giving his wife a kiss.
"I came to see if Jocelyn wanted to go to lunch, but she said she wasn't hungry, so we're going to Costco."
"I take it some of the road guys are asking for snacks?"
"And some of the HR girls have been asking for some sparking water." Jocelyn added.
"You two have fun." The pair headed out and took the drive up to Costco. Jocelyn was honestly happy that Morgan had shown up unannounced. She definitely needed the distraction. They spent the next hour walking through the store, grabbing everything off the guys' list. They even grabbed a slice of pizza before they headed back. Once they got back to the shop, Jocelyn came around the back to unload. The guys were doing pit practice when she pulled up in the back.
"You boys want to help unload your snacks?" Morgan asked as they both got out of the car. The guy unloaded the car for them, bringing everything inside. "Those waters are for the office girls, Jackson!" Morgan hollered at the tire changer.
"Can't I have just one?"
"Absolutely not." Jocelyn watched the exchange, almost not noticing Ty sitting on the makeshift pit wall on his phone.
"I didn't know he came and watch pit practice."
"This is actually the first time in a while he's come out here. Isn't this his usual time with you?" Jackson said, coming over to stand next to Jocelyn.
"Yeah, but he canceled."
"Maybe he shouldn't have. He's been mopey all day and it's getting on my nerves. Even grandpa said something."
"Someone said him and Grace had a fight. Nobody has seen her before. At all. I wonder why." Jackson said before walking back to the car. She stood there for a while longer, watching Ty. He must have sensed someone was watching him because he looked away from his phone and turned his head. They made eye contact before Ty abruptly got up and headed back inside. Jocelyn sighed before getting back into her car. She drove back around to the front, parking next to Morgan's car.
"Thank you for coming with me this afternoon. I really needed the distraction."
"Judging by the look on his face when he saw you, you definitely needed it. He still hasn't talked to you at all?"
"He canceled his session with me when I was in the parking lot walking in this morning. I honestly don't know if there is anything I can do to make this right. I can't revise my contract."
"You'll figure something out. I promise." They said their goodbyes before Morgan headed home. Jocelyn headed back inside for the last three sessions she had for the day. Jocelyn headed upstairs to her office. When the elevator doors opened, Jocelyn came face-to-face with Ty.
"Sorry." She mumbled, walking past him. Obviously, he had nothing to say. Jocelyn headed into her office to finish up her day. After her day was done, Jocelyn didn't want to go home. Instead, she headed to the gym. When she walked in, Jocelyn found Jackson lifting weights.
"Thought you had gone home by now." He said.
"I could probably say the same to you."
"Just taking advantage of an empty gym."
"I can leave."
"Nah. I'm almost done anyway." Jocelyn only nodded as she put her earbuds into her ears. She started her workout, the one that the trainor said was going to be good for her. She got through most of it until it was time for the jump boxes. Jocelyn hated these, never being able to get the highest one. Jocelyn took a deep breath and jumped. She got her toes on the platform, but she lost her footing.
"Shit!" She yelled as she fell to the floor with a loud thud.

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