Chapter 26

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Marisa was waiting outside the house when Jocelyn pulled into the driveway. They hadn't seen each other since the wedding as both had been busy. They did, however, manage to talk almost every single day since then. When Marisa had called her while Jocelyn and Ty were Indianapolis to see if she wanted to spend the weekend there, Jocelyn jumped at the chance. Jocelyn barely had her car in park before Marisa was practically ripping open her car door.
"JOCIE!" Marisa screeched, yanking Jocelyn out of her car and into her arms. "I missed you!"
"I missed you too, Issa."
"Jared can come and grap your suitcase, let's go inside! I only have you until tomorrow afternoon." Marisa dragged Jocelyn into the house. "Jar, can you go get Jocelyn's suitcase please?" Marisa called out to her husband as they walked into the house. They both heard a loud groan coming from the living room. "Jared Lee Campbell, don't you give me that attitude."
"The race is on, Marisa."
"You're watching the race?" Jocelyn turned to Marisa as Jared emerged
from the living room wearing a Ty shirt.
"Ever since we met Ty, Jared's been watching every weekend he can."
"You bought a shirt?"
"I did."
"You could have told me, I would have brought you stuff."
"I can buy my own stuff. I'll go grab your suitcase from the car." The pair watched Jared disappear outside before Marisa was leading Jocelyn into the kitchen.
"Thirsty?" Marisa asked as Jocelyn sat down at the bar.
"What do you have?"
"Glass of wine?"
"Absolutely." Jocelyn watched as Marisa only poured one glass before handing Jocelyn that glass. "What about you?"
"Well..." Marisa trailed off with a smile on her face.
"Oh my God, you're pregnant!"
"16 weeks."
"16 weeks?! That puts you..." Jocelyn quickly did the math. "Before you came to visit me in early May! You were drinking the whole wedding week."
"Actually, I wasn't."
"What do you mean? I saw you drinking."
"You did see me drinking out of alcohol containers. It wasn't alcohol though."
"Why did you tell me right away?"
"After the two miscarriages I had, I just wanted to wait as long as I could. Don't be mad."
"I would never be mad at you. I'm happy for you and Jared. This is what you always wanted. A family."
"There is one other thing."
"What's that?"
"Jared got a promotion at the record label. He's going to start representing artists."
"That's amazing!"
"We're moving to Nashville in September."
"I know it's a lot to take in right now and..."
"I am so happy for you two. Really. I'm just sad you're going to further away."
"Just a more of an excuse to come back to Nashville." Jocelyn came around the bar and pulled her best friend into a tight hug.
"Did you tell her already?" Jared asked, coming into the kitchen to see his wife and her best friend in a hug with tears in both of their eyes.
"I couldn't wait for you." Marisa said, letting Jocelyn go.
"I am so happy for you two." Jocelyn gave Jared a hug. "Have you guys found a place yet?"
"We have. And yes, there is plenty of space for you and Ty to come visit."
"I'm missing some racing." Jared said, grabbing a drink of the fridge. "I'll be in the living room if you need me." Jared left the kitchen, leaving the best friends. They sat down at the kitchen bar, Marisa showed Jocelyn pictures of the house they had put an offer on in Nashville and the ultrasound pictures from last week.
"When do you find out what you're having?"
"Next month. I'm nervous and excited and..."
"Jocelyn, you're going to want to come in here!" Jared called from the living room. Both Jocelyn and Marisa came bounding into the living room just in time to see Sam Mayer spin out Ty.
"Oh shit. That is not good."
"What do you mean?"
"Considering Sam and Ty absolutely hate each other. Not to mention Sam stole Ty's girlfriend last year..."
"Ty's girlfriend?"
"She cheated on Ty with Sam and now they've been officially dating since the beginning of the season I guess." They watched the last lap, seeing Mayer take the checkered flag.
"This is not going to be a good interview from him, is it?" Jared asked, Jocelyn shaking his head.
"That was an accident, but I think everyone can agree that it's okay for an Xfinity Series regular to win that race." Jocelyn rolled her eyes listening to Sam Mayer's interview.
"What a load of shit. That wasn't an accident." Jocelyn bit as Ty came on the screen. Jocelyn smiled herself when she saw the mark she left on his neck in plain sight on the screen.
"You feel like you need to have a conversation with Sam?" Dillon Welch asked.
"I mean I don't really how much of a conversation you can you know have with him and um in that situation. Like I said it's, we've been kind of grew up racing around each other I think we have he had more starts than I do and you know this is his second win. Congrats to him on the second win and I definitely wish I had got my 13th there."
"Is there beef here? I feel like there's beef." Marisa said.
"Most definitely. Like I said, those two hate each other. This won't be the last time these two get into it."
"Did these two get into a fight last year?"
"Yeah. Guess there were some punches thrown. Ty connected."
"I saw the video on YouTube. Ty never took his helmet off."
"Sam never gave him the chance to." Jocelyn said as her phone started to ring.
"Ty?" Jocelyn just nodded as she answered.
"I want to fucking punch him in his stupid face." Ty growled into the phone after Jocelyn said hello.
"Calm down. I don't think that will solve anything." Jocelyn said, taking the stairs two at a time. Jocelyn walked into the guest room before closing the door.
"It won't, but it would make me feel better. She's here too."
"Who else. And he's trying to rub it into my face he has her."
"Do you care that she's with him?"
"I don't give two shits what those two are doing."
"You really angry."
"Why do you say that?"
"That has to be the first time I've heard you swear twice that didn't come before an orgasm." Jocelyn said. Ty couldn't help but laugh. "I'm not wrong."
"I know, but he really gets me amped up. Such an asshole."
"What a potty mouth."
"You should know what my mouth is capable of." Ty said, sending a rush of color across her cheeks. "You're blushing now, aren't you?"
"You really do have a way with words  don't you?"
"I have a way with you."
"You're really laying it on thick right now, aren't ya?"
"I wish you came with me this weekend. I could really use you here."
"I know, but this was scheduled for a couple weeks and I couldn't change plans."
"I know, I know."
"We'll both be home tomorrow. I'll comfort you tomorrow when you get back, okay?"
"I'm holding you to it."
"What are you holding me to? You?"
"Between me and the bed. Or the shower wall. Maybe the wall going up the stairs. Whichever comes first."
"Probably me." Ty laughed. "Multiple times."
"I don't doubt that."
"Before I forget, Marisa is pregnant."
"Really? Congrats to them."
"And they're moving to Nashville in September."
"Oh. Are you sad?"
"Yeah, but this is a big opportunity for Jared. He actually gets to start representing artists. This is what he's worked hard for. I'm happy for him." They talked for a while longer before Ty had to go have a team dinner.
"I'll see you when I get back tomorrow night. I love you."
"I love you, too."

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