Chapter 38

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Jocelyn found out that Evan and the kids still celebrated American Thanksgiving. Jocelyn also found out that Evan had invited Christopher, Morgan, Taylor, Ross, and Bennett to join them in Toronto for Thanksgiving. He had invited Jared and Marisa, but unfortunately, they couldn't make it. Jocelyn and Mercer helped Daphne with the Thanksgiving dinner while Evan and Sutton headed to the airport to pick up their guests. They'll all be staying st Jocelyn's house that she had started renting a few weeks prior. Daphne was putting the roast into the oven as the front door opened.
"We're back!" Sutton's voice rang out through out the house.
"Kitchen!" Daphne called out. Everyone filed into the spacious kitchen.
"Long time no see!" Jocelyn went over to greet her friends. Christopher and Ross were first, giving them quick hugs. Taylor was next, the Bennett. Oh, how she missed the Bennett snuggles. Finally, it was Morgan's turn. Jocelyn held on to her the longest.
"How is he?" She asked in a hushed tone.
"Getting there. Heather finally forced him to go talk to someone."
"That should do him some good."
"Have you thought about doing the same?" Morgan asked.
"Yeah, a therapist seeing a therapist."
"You're not doing well, Joce. Everyone can see it."
"She doesn't eat like she should." Evan said.
"And she was absolutely sick as a dog the week she got here." Daphne added. Both Morgan and Taylor looked at their friend.
"Can we go upstairs for a minute?" They both nodded before following her up stairs to Evan's bedroom.
"What is going on?" Taylor asked as she and Morgan sat down on the bed. They watched as Jocelyn paced the floor in front of them.
"You're making us nervous."
"Something happened. Before I left and scared the shit out of me when I found out when I got here."
"Are you..."
"Was. Not anymore."
"Did you..."
"It happened on its own. I knew it wasn't going to stay. They never do."
"Has this happened with Ty before?"
"No, this was the first and only."
"What would you have done if it stayed? Would you have gone back?"
"Would he have wanted me back? I'm a coward and ran at the first sign of trouble."
"Ty loves you."
"I shattered his heart, Morgan. Marisa told me about the look on his face when she told him I left." Jocelyn said, trying to hard not to cry. She couldn't stop them though. She stood there, tears falling down her cheeks. Jocelyn tried to wipe them away, but they were falling too fast.
"Oh, Joce." Morgan and Taylor stood up, pulling their friend into a tight hug.
"I'm a horrible person!" Jocelyn sobbed.
"No, you're not."
"Yes, I am!" They knew there was no convincing her otherwise. They let her cry for a few minutes before Jocelyn was able to stop.
"You good, now?"
"As much as I can be." Jocelyn said, wiping her cheeks dry. "I have to deal with this being the new normal."
"Let's go back downstairs and get some food. I'm starving." Morgan said, getting a smile out of both of them. The trio headed back down stairs.
"Where's my BB?" Jocelyn said as they came into the living room. Bennett was standing with the assistance of the coffee table. "There you are." Jocelyn got down on the floor next to Bennett. "I missed you BB." Bennett held out his hands, Jocelyn scooping him into her arms. She held him close, holding on to the lost desire of being a mother.
"Dinner is ready." They heard Daphne call out. Everyone filed into the dining room for some well deserved dinner.
They had told Ty that they were heading to Oklahoma for Thanksgiving, but he knew they were lying to him. He was upset with all of them, but knew why they kept it a secret. Ty wasn't over her, wasn't over her leaving. He was, however, getting there. The therapist Heather found him was helping. Dr. Dyer was very helpful and a very good listener, something Ty really needed. He helped him through the spiral from the first few weeks since her leaving. Ty walked into his mother's house wondering why he was there. Heather had called him and asked if he could come over.
"Mom! Where are you?"
"In the kitchen, honey!" Ty walked into the kitchen, finding her mom and two other people he didn't know were sitting at the kitchen table.
"Hey, mom." Ty walked over, giving his mom a kiss on the top of her head. "What am I doing here?"
"I wanted you to meet some people. Ty, this is Frankie Hutcherson and her daughter Elsie."
"Nice to meet both of you. What does this have to do with me, ma?"
"I really wanted you to meet Elsie." Ty looked at his mom. There was no way this was happening right now.
"Are you seriously trying to set me up right now?"
"Dr. Dyer said I'm not ready for a relationship. I'm still working through that."
"I'm not saying you have to marry Elsie." Ty looked over at Elsie who looked like she wanted to disappear into the chair she was sitting in. Clearly, she had no idea about this.
"Well, maybe in the future." Frankie piped up. "My daughter is a real catch."
"Can you at least try? For me?" Ty knew he wasn't ready for this, but Heather insisted. Ty wanted to make his mom happy, but Ty needed to do what was right for him. "Just one outing for you two." Ty stood there, debating on what was going to win out. Ultimately, making his mom happy won out.
"One date. That's all you're getting from me."
"How about you hang out now."
"That sounds great, let's go." Elsie practically jumped out of the kitchen chair and across the kitchen. "We'll see you two later." Elsie grabbed Ty by the arm and dragged him out of the house.
"Where's the fire?"
"I'm sorry, but I just couldn't sit there and die of embarrassment anymore."
"You felt that too?"
"My mom has been so hellbent on getting me married off before I turn 21." Ty held open the passenger's side door of the Supra. She thanked him before getting in.
"That bad?" He asked when he got in himself.
"Really that bad. I haven't even finish college yet."
"You're in college?"
"I'm a junior at High Point. Majoring in elementary education."
"Never thought about doing anything other than racing." They sat in his car in front of Heather's house in uncomfortable silence. "I never thought past pleasing my mother with a date."
"And I never thought past getting out of that kitchen." For the first time in a while, Ty laughed. He much rather wanted to cry in that moment, but the laughter came first. "What is so funny?"
"I'm not sure. I am a total mess. My love life is absolute shit, my girlfriend left me and then fled the country. I don't know what to do or how to feel about anything right now."
"My ex-boyfriend had been in a relationship with two other girls while with me and headed up getting both of them pregnant."
"Oh, wow..."
"And one of them was my best friend."
"We are both losers, aren't we?" Elsie laughed.
"Absolutely. How do you feel about getting some ice cream?"
"I think I could go for some ice cream right about now."

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