4-14: Glaciator 2

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Scene: In the Parisian Streets. Ladybug, The Rangers and Cat Noir battle off with Glaciator.
Cat Noir saves a man reading a magazine on the sidewalk while Pink saves a firefighter from Glaciator's ice creams. Cat Noir brings the man he saved earlier to safety.

Parisian 1: The two of you are so cute together!

Cat Noir: (confused) Uhh, thanks?

Super Pink: I'm taken, and speaking of I need to stop by max's place to make it up to him for canceling our date.

Ladybug puts the firefighter she saved earlier to safety as well.

Firefighter: You guys make a good couple!

Ladybug: We're not a couple, we're partners! (leaps away)

Super red is sent flying into a building.

Super Red: Do I wanna know how your gonna make it up to him?

Super Pink: Do you want to?

Super Red doesn't respond.

Super Pink: Thought not.

Super Silver: I don't get it.

Super Red: I'll tell you when your older friend.

Scene: Place des Vosges. Ladybug, The Rangers and Cat Noir continue to battle with Glaciator.

Parisian 2: (while reading a magazine) Ah, love is great!

Ladybug: (furiously) I don't believe this! What's with everybody today? We are not in love!

Glaciator: You can't deny it! It's in the news!

Glaciator points to every billboard of Ladybug and Cat Noir kissing scattered in Paris.

Ladybug: (shocked) What?!

The duo looks at all of the posters, even the ones on a blimp.

Super Red laughs his ass off.

Parisian 2: (holding his magazine) Cat Noir, can I have an autograph?

Cat Noir: (grabs the magazine) "Ladybug and Cat Noir voted Couple of the Year"?

Ladybug: (getting furious) "They share more than just their love of justice"? What the heck is going on?!

Glaciator: This is proof that my ice cream is right! You two are made for each other like chocolate and strawberries!

Ladybug: (furiously) This is baloney! All of these photos are taken out of context! We were fighting supervillains! (points at a picture of Ladybug kissing Cat Noir from "Dark Cupid") This one is me breaking Cat Noir out of Dark Cupid's spell, (points at a picture of Ladybug and Cat Noir kissing from "Oblivio") and this one... we can't even remember this one cause the villain erased our memories!

Glaciator: Of course, it's always the supervillain's fault. But the mind forgets and the heart remembers! (starts to fire ice creams)

Cat Noir: Maybe he's right, m'lady. After all, he's still André, the Sweethearts' Ice Cream Maker!

Ladybug: (while dodging Glaciator's ice creams) Cat Noir, not now!

Glaciator continues to rain ice creams on them.

Cat Noir: (while spinning his baton) Hey, maybe if we kiss again, our memories would come back!

Ladybug: (annoyed) Ugh, enough! Why don't you take a little cat nap?! (throws Cat Noir into a trash bin, and returns to fight Glaciator, furiously) And as for you, you big two-legged ice cream cone, hand over that akumatized scooper right now!

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