Chapter 5: The First Years

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<< CotE: Tied Beginnings >>

Ayanokouji Kiyotaka


In a swift motion, someone intercepted Housen's advancing hand by the wrist, halting its trajectory just before it could make contact with Sudo's chest.

"What do think you're doing, woman?" snapped Housen, glaring at Yuki.

"You were going to push him to the ground," answered Yuki, her expression resolute and composed. "I don't want this situation to escalate any further."

If Housen were to succeed in pushing Sudo, it could trigger his temper and lead to an aggressive outburst, resulting in a potentially violent altercation. Yuki's intervention in restraining Housen was understandable, though her courage was praiseworthy, especially considering the significant difference in their physical statures.

"Listen, I don't care if you're a cutie," glared Housen. "If you don't wanna get hurt, stay the fuck outta my way."

As Housen attempted to retract his hand, it remained steadfast, refusing to budge. His eyes widened in surprise at the unexpected resistance.

"What the..." trailed off House, before swiftly regaining his composure. "You're pretty strong, aren't ya?"

Yuki's unforeseen display of physical prowess originated from her experiences in the White Room, as the rigorous curriculum of the fourth generation had bestowed upon her abilities that far surpassed those of the average person her age. While I didn't think she'd be able to overpower Housen entirely in terms of raw strength, she definitely possessed the capability to hold her ground against him in hand-to-hand combat.

Sudo and Horikita's faces registered pure shock, their astonishment evident from Housen's acknowledgment of Yuki's strength. In contrast, Amasawa's grin broadened even more, seemingly delighted by the unfolding spectacle.

"Housen-kun, I thought we were here to negotiate," Nanase's voice cut in. "If you're going to bring your violent nature into this, then I have no intention of staying."

"Hey, c'mon. I was just planning a little nudge, y'know, a light tap or somethin'," Housen's laughter dripped with contempt. "And by the way, how much longer do you plan on grabbin' my wrist?"

"...Fine." Exhaling a sigh, Yuki slowly loosened her grip before taking a few steps back.

"Kukuku. What do we have here?" inquired a voice that was unmistakably familiar. I recognized that laugh immediately.

Three figures made their way towards the unfolding scene. Among them was Ryuuen, a boy of average height with magenta hair cascading to his shoulders, elegantly styled on either side. To his left walked Ishizaki, possessing dark green hair and a sturdy build, while on Ryuuen's right side, Ibuki joined the trio, her short blue hair contrasting with her curious gaze cast upon the scene, her purple eyes reflecting her interest.

"So, who're you supposed to be? My next opponent?" quipped Housen, coloring his tone in ridicule as he directed his gaze toward Ryuuen.

"Housen, yeah?" Ryuuen's voice carried a note of recognition. "I've heard your name bein' thrown around a lot in my hometown, like a celebrity."

"Ryuuen, you know this guy?" Ibuki's question hung in the air, capturing Housen's attention as he turned his gaze towards her momentarily before redirecting it back to Ryuuen.

"Ohh, Ryuuen, right?" Housen paused briefly, a moment later his expression transformed into a wide grin. "This has gotta be fate doing its shit or somethin'. Your name's been buzzin' around so much that it's been pissin' me off."

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