Chapter 8: Let Him Cook

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Ayanokouji Kiyotaka

A few days ago, I informed Horikita that I could resolve Sudo's issue with finding a partner for the upcoming special exam. While she did express some initial dissatisfaction with not being consulted beforehand, she seemed to accept the situation.

Classes had just concluded, and I found myself waiting outside the entrance of Keyaki Mall, a few minutes ahead of my scheduled meeting with Amasawa. I had a particular task in mind: I needed to prepare food for her so that she could form a partnership with Sudo.

Scanning my surroundings, students of various grade levels cascaded in and out of the shopping mall, their energetic conversations filling the air. The late afternoon sun painted the sky with a pastel-orange hue, casting elongated shadows from the mall's surrounding buildings. Though the temperature held a gentle warmth, the promise of a cooler night lingered in the air.

"Hey, senpai!" Amasawa cheerfully approached me, her magenta-colored hair swaying with the rhythm of her footsteps as I turned my head in the direction of her voice.


"Wow, you're pretty early," said Amasawa, after checking the time on her phone.

"I guess so."

Before long, I would find myself challenged to put my cooking skills to the test. While my time in the White Room included cooking lessons, they hardly focused on the art of crafting delectable dishes. It was clear that meeting Amasawa's standards would be a formidable hurdle.

Fortunately, Yuki possessed exceptional culinary skills, a fact I knew firsthand. The other day, she acquired wireless earbuds, which would allow her to guide me step by step through any dish Amasawa might request. To avoid triggering Amasawa's suspicion, I concealed the earbud beneath my hair, ensuring our communication remained undetected. This was our second plan of action, in case Amasawa forbade me from using my phone while I cooked.

"Let's go, Ayanokouji-senpai!" beamed Amasawa, her fist pumping into the air as she marched confidently into the mall.

"So, we're buying ingredients, right?"


We strolled onward, maintaining a leisurely pace, our steps synchronized with the lively rhythm of students' footsteps echoing through the air. Various shops lined our path—a quaint bookshop, a colorful boutique, an electronics store, and a cozy cafe filled with the soothing aroma of freshly brewed coffee, to name a few.

Glancing to my left, I noticed Amasawa, too, engrossed in the diverse environment that surrounded us. Her head turned gently from side to side, her index finger thoughtfully tracing her chin as she absorbed the vibrant ambiance of the mall.

Suddenly, she stopped walking. Her face suddenly lit up with excitement, her eyes locking onto a particular store.

"Oh!" she exclaimed, tugging at my sleeve. "Ayanokouji-senpai, look at that!"

The store that had captured her attention bore the whimsical name "Komrade's Arts 'N Crafts". True to its name, it exuded an artistic charm, with a plethora of creative supplies showcased on the window display. Canvases of all sizes leaned against one another, while paintbrushes elegantly stood in place. The store's entrance was adorned with a brilliant tapestry, showcasing a rainbow of colors in every hue.

"I thought we came here to buy ingredients," I deadpanned. "You said so just a while ago."

Amasawa, with a mischievous glint in their eye, playfully declared, "Hmmm, but I just changed my mind~! Let's grab those ingredients later." With a wide, toothy grin, she trotted joyfully into the art store.

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