Chapter 6: Free Time

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I've changed some parts for Chapter 2 of CotE: Tied Beginnings. If you've read it before the 4th of September, 2023, I highly recommend rereading it from the start of Kiyotaka and Arisu's interaction (which occurs near the end of the chapter) to avoid confusion in the future. I removed some major romance flags since I'm not too sure about what the ship will be at the moment.

Now, off to the chapter~

<< CotE: Tied Beginnings >>

Ayanokouji Kiyotaka

Lunch break had just commenced, and I sat in my seat, gazing out the window, lost in the tranquil vista that stretched before me. The sun hung in the sky, illuminating the environment with a bright and inviting glow. Its gentle rays filtered through the trees, casting patterns of shadows on the concrete outside.

As the minutes ticked by, the school's lunch bell rang, and a bustling stream of students began to emerge from the school building. They poured out like a river—some students carried lunch boxes, while others chatted spiritedly with friends.

Over time, my once-invisible presence appeared to be growing more conspicuous. It was all thanks to my connection with Yuki, an exceptionally popular student, sparking a flurry of conspiracies about our relationship. Typically, such rumors would die out quickly. However, due to Yuki's status as a transfer student, they persisted, spreading like an uncontrolled wildfire. This topic had become widespread, resonating not only in our classroom but throughout our entire grade.

Objectively, Yuki possessed an undeniable beauty, but I didn't hold any romantic feelings toward her. I was incapable of that, after all.

"Hey, Kiyotaka, do you have a moment?" a voice called, interrupting my moment of peace.

My attention shifted to the source, revealing a young man of modest stature. Sun-kissed blonde hair framed his face with gentle side bangs, while warm, brown eyes locked onto mine. He stood there, radiating a smile on his face.

It was none other than...

"Oh, Yousuke. Is there anything you need?" I asked.

"Ah well... If you have time, would you like to join me in the cafeteria? I invited Tsubaki-san as well."

Yousuke's conversation with me didn't go unnoticed by many students, who wore expressions of perplexity. To our classmates, it must've seemed like an odd pairing, given the contrast in our social statuses.

Amidst this, I caught Kei's eye in the background. She swiftly averted her gaze for some reason before resuming her cheerful interaction with her group of friends.

"Sure, I don't mind," I answered. "And speaking of Yuki, where is she?"

Yuki was nowhere to be seen in the classroom, suggesting that she had left already. Her circle of friends, the ones who usually surrounded her, were notably present in the room and engaged in lively conversations.

For context, Yuki was known to be a part of Kushida's close-knit group, a circle that included not only herself but also Wang, Inogashira, Onodera, and a few others.

"Tsubaki-san said she had something to take care of. She'll meet us in the cafeteria," replied Yousuke.

"Okay," I responded, rising from my seat and joining Yousuke on our way to the cafeteria.

As Yousuke and I strolled down the hallway, I couldn't help but notice the curious gazes of fellow students. It seemed that my newfound popularity, courtesy of my association with Yuki, was attracting more attention than usual.

[BEING REWRITTEN CHECK DESC] Tied Beginnings (Classroom of the Elite)Where stories live. Discover now