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                                                       I drove back  with lots of stuff I my mind. I'm confused. I don't know how things gonna end. I can understand how Austin feels right now,  'cause I've been  there before.  Years ago when I was 13 , I was working at a club. I've greeted thousands of people there. I worked for nearly a year but once, few men tried to misbehave. just because I worked in a club doesn't mean I'm for sale. I knocked them down to their ass.  that's how I met their boss Klein. I've heard of him as one of the best assassin , the diamond of many mafia gangs. he was astonished seeing a club girl breaking his men. he offered me to join his team, promised me to show a different world. the world that I lived was hell, so I was sure that whatever the world it is, it would be better, so I agreed. He gave me his gun. when I held it for the first time, I had fear, a different felling that actually tore me apart for a day. I didn't know whether that was right or wrong, but  I knew that would be the path to hell, I knew the path would be covered by blood. I still remember how I felt when I first saw this world. That's how Austin must be now. But I don't want Austin to make the same decision as mine.

      After Klein's death I'm leading his team. Not just because I Love killing people , it's because the moment we enter this world , all the doors will be closed, there will be no way out. I wish Austin doesn't get trapped here. As I drove thinking all these I reached  my dorm. I looked myself at the,  mirror corrected my messed hair, took the glasses out and worn then. I packed my gun in my bag and walked casually inside the dorm. before climbing the stairs I noticed  Helen's office lights turned on. I went to check on it. I saw Helen sleeping there, I looked around , everything seemed fine , so I turned off the light. Unfortunately I woke Helen up. " oh!, i'm sorry . i didn't mean to wake you up"

" that's fine, I'm here to see you. your friend, a boy , came here to see you. I said him you went to hang out with your friend at royal castle , Did you see him?"

seriously, so he came there for me. " oh yes, I ran into him on my way back, we couldn't speak a lot, anyway thanks for your care" i said with a cute smile.

I went to my room and checked time. gosh it's already 3.45 , and i've got classes tomorrow so without any delay I went to bed. but i couldnt't stop wondering why Austin came to see me. If it's that important he could have texted me . but I pulled my thoughts and pushed them for later, because I need rest.


                    I entered into my house silently after Zara left, because I knew i would be dead if my parents find out i came home by 3 . i slowly walked to my room, closed the behind and gave out a breadth. i waved my hands through my hair thinking of everything. I went straight to the shower turned it on and sat under the water letting it flow through myself  , wishing everything that happened tonight to be washed out along with the water.  I folded my legs held it tight and buried my face. The biggest question is,  I ran to Zara to confess my love, to express my feelings for her, bit in turn I found the truth about her, the truth that she's a lead of a assassin team.  After knowing all these I feel a little betrayed, even though she has her reasons....  can I still accept her for who she is? what if I still make a move on her, where will I end up? i had so many questions , at the same time I felt like i had the answer as well.              No matter what i can't let go her. 

I raised my head , wiped the water dripping and made a decision.                                                        I  LOVE  HER,   NO  MATTER  WHAT  HELL  SHE'S  IN ,  I'M READY TO  BE  IN  THAT  HELL , AS LONG  AS  I'M  WITH  HER.                                                                                                                                                                         I got out from the shower , changed my clothes and fell  in my bed with my arms spread. I went to sleep immediately .

                          Next morning I woke up as the sun's rays fell brightly on my face. I shrunk  my eyes,  waved my hands searching for my phone. When my fingers reached it i checked the time, it's already 9.30. I had 9 missed call . 3 from den, 2 from Lucy and 4 from rey. it's quite natural,  'cause last night i  ran off and I didn't come for the classes too.  so I got up , took a shower , dressed up and went to uni.  

as soon as I went to class they to me . Rey asked " where the fuck, did you go last night? did you meet zara or not"

" I met here"

" then what the fuck happened . why is she still crying for that idiot calvin, don't tell me she turned you down"

I was shocked, what is she doing with calvin, i answered in doubtful tone " no, no, i didn't talk to her about it. so what's the matter with calvin"

Lucy said " this morning when we came in, i saw Zara and calvin , together. I think calvin told her everything that happened at the bar. i heard her whinning  ' i'm sorry, this is all because of me' and that coward calvin holding her hand ' no Zara, no, this isn't because of you. I'll face anything for you' and whipping her tears .... too dramatic ".

i couldn't understand what she's playing at. a girl who shot a men as if shooting someone in video game.... crying for calvin. it makes me think whether she has feelings for him.... that useless brat,  who couldn't even fight me. Even if that's the case, i knew calvin would run off if he ever come to know who zara is.

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