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                 here im, standing in front of calvin's house , more of vennie's house.
this gigantic black gate welcomes me. as I walk through the path covered with greenery . this house doesn't give the vibe of a mafia leader.its pleasent, maybe its his mistress . as far as I digged about her,  She is marya , she likes travelling, she met Vinnie during her world tour, she's damm smart, but still sweet and polite.

          I can see their servant watering the plants. and someone cleaning their pool.  a big fountain in the middle screening the view of a big white house. the only thing that popped In my mind was "did he plan to build a palace for his mistress?". thats how it is.
it has the resemblence of palaces in england.

as i was wondering the love for his mistress, calvin showed up. he's in his white tshirt and trousers. with his wet hair, looks like he's straight from shower. He gave a warm and welcoming smile. i smiled back. he ran to me and grabbed my hand saying "welcome home zara, come lets get in" and took me inside.

          he pushed open the glass door while calling out his mother"mom, zara has come". i should say marya has a graet taste. the interior is classy.
calvin gestured me to take a seat in the grey sofas that best complimented their white hall. a staircase raised at the corner of the hall with glass handle and silver rail. a big dinning table behind me next to the kitchen.
"what shall i get for you to drink?"Calvin asked

"just some water" i said with a smiley face.

       as he left into the kitchen i looked around , my eyes drooped on the shelf with photos. i grabbed my phone and went there. its mostly of calvins photos. some with calvin and marya. but i couldnt see Vinnie. i bent down to look at photos in the last shelf. i found one. it was taken when calvin was born i guess, cause marya is lying in bed with calvin as a baby and Vinnie is smiling at them, haa as a proud dad. i havent seen this side of vinne. i snapped a picture.

"zara right?"i startled as marya asked behind me

"yes...this must be calvin right" i asked by pointing the picture trying not to make it suspicious.

"yhea it was taken when he was born"

"you still look the same" i complimented her , even though she has grown a little old , what i said was 90per true.

"do you think so?..calvin's father also used to say that" she said as she was blushing...damm hes a perfect family man. but this woman who is full in love doesn't know what his love going to face through me.before i could ask about Vinnie calvin interrupted.

"mom, this is zara"

"we already got to know eachother"she smiled at him. calvi handed me tha glass of water

"thank you", thanks for interrepting my talk.

"sit my dear" his  mother gestured me back to sofa. we sat and she took the seat opposite to us. i took the sip of water and placed my glass on the table.

"if do you dont feel like im being nosy can i ask something?"i asked with a little serious face.

"calvin has never bought anyone home!! he rarely makes frnds. today you are in our house which makes you a part of this house, feel free to ask anything? " she said with a sweet voice.

i get , how much she loves calvin, shes a great mother. a very sweet person.. all i wonder is who come such a good woman ended up with Vinnie he's a complete jerk. none of by business

"im jus wondering why theirs only very few photos of calvin's dad and he hadn't talked much about him."

"calvin's dad is always busy with his business , he manages to spend some time with us..but its still less.hes always busy travelling betweeen countries"

her reply made me wonder whether she's aware that his husband is a mafia leader or not..but again none of my business.

"oh...when will he come back?"i threw the question at calvin as if asking out of curiosity

"he had a plan to come here soon, but something came up , so he went to russia. but he prosimed me to come back once everyting is done" calvin said enthusiastically . mariya smiled at Calvin's joy when he talked about his fater.

"calvin take zara around, I'll prepare lunch for us"

"yes mom" calvin pushed off his seat and smiled at me "come"

we claimed the stairs entered the hallway of the 1st floor. i saw three door two on my left and one on my right.
calvin mentioned the two rooms on my left were his and his parents' and the one on right is his father's office. Vinnie doesn't allow anyone inside. he took me inside his room showed me around. we sat on his bed. he took a album out and showed the pictures of their vacations, his chilhood pictures to entertain me. after wasting some time with these shit, we walked out of his room into the hallway. i purposely droopped my purse and let my things scatter on the floor.we picked evrything one by one. i pushed my stud that i dropped , inside vinnes office.

"calvin, my shud is missing " i pretended looking around. "i think its inside" i said pointing the office door.he opened it and turned on the lights. this place is messy, a desktop on the table , papers piled on the corner, this place feels like Vinnie.i looked around and saw my stud under the table.

"here it is" i ran near the table picked up my stud. i placed my hand on the table and tried to stand but i ended up pushing the pile of papers. the flew and cover the floor scattered. i bought my hand to my mouth screaming "im sorry", as if i did it accidentaly.

"thats alright"calvin said in a cool tone and started picking them. i gave him a hand , scanning the papers. most are some property papers, villas he bought. while picking them i read a file named "russian meeting 2023." as soon as i read it i stood and walked back . i hit my leg on the table and screamed in pain. calvin rushed to me, set the papers in his hand on table and held my hand and helped me sit o the chair infornt of the destop. he sat on his knees and checked my foot. it was bleeding.
"i will get the firstaid box"and rushed out. 

i snapped pictures of all the pages in the file. after that i turned to the desktop. i turned it on , i didnt know the password. i took my pendrive and tried to hack it. it did work. i cracked the password and accessed the desktop and started copying the files. suddenly i heard the door opening , i left the process to run.

calvin walked in with medicine box, i tried to stand on my own and walked past the table near him." i dont think i need it i feel better, the bleeding has stopped."

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