cinco: the rooftop

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Lara pushed the restaurant door open, seeing Neymar lean against the wall by the door, playing with his phone. Upon seeing her, Neymar pocketed his phone and smiled at her.

"Hey," he said, "I didn't know you worked here." He said again.

Lara nodded, gazing up at the restaurant. "Yeah, it's a nice place." She said.

They stood quietly for a few moments, Neymar rocking back and forth and Lara playing with the hem of her t-shirt. "You left so early before," he started, "Was it...did I do something wrong?" he asked.

Neymar looked so genuinely hurt and curious that Lara didn't want to tell him what she really thought of him. She liked him - that was true, but she wasn't sure how to act around someone so famous. She was usually the girl that just stayed in the background, not someone that stood out in the spotlight.

"No, of course not." She replied quietly.

"Then what was it?" Neymar asked, looking into her brown eyes. Lara stayed quiet, not finding the right words to tell him. After a few moments, Neymar nodded understandingly and moved backwards, "Oh, I get it."

He was about to walk back inside the restaurant when Lara reached out and grabbed his hand in her smaller one.

"I like you, Neymar," she blurted out, her eyes widening as she realized what she just said. "I mean, I want to get to know you. I'm sorry if I came off cold or unfriendly or anything."

Neymar raised his eyebrows and moved back so he was in front of her again, " wasn't because you thought I would attack you or anything, right?"

Lara looked at him confused, her brows furrowing. "Huh? I don't understand..."

Neymar shook his head, "Never mind," he said. "I want to get to know you too."

"Great," Lara said, a smile taking over her face. "I get off at eight. Do you want to meet up after?" she asked. Neymar nodded quickly, "Yeah, I'll wait."

Lara grinned, "Okay. See you then."


Neymar kept his eyes fixed on the kitchen door, waiting for Lara to come out of it. It was now 8:10 and all his friends had left him behind at the restaurant. He was beginning to think she ditched him and forgot all about him when she came bursting out of the kitchen.

"Hey, sorry," she said all flustered, "My boss lectured me on the meaning of punctuality and all that stuff. Shall we go?" she asked.

Neymar nodded and got out of the booth. They left the restaurant quickly, Lara wrapping her jacket tighter around herself. "Where do you want to go?" she asked Neymar, blowing softly into her hands.

Neymar pursed his lips before answering her, "The park?"

"Isn't that where all the cokeheads go at night?"

Neymar laughed and nodded, "It is actually, you have any better ideas?" Neymar asked her. Lara looked down at her feet and thought about any nice places she could take Neymar to before nodding.

"I know a place, let's go."

Lara led Neymar to a small apartment building not too far away from the restaurant. It was quiet and nicely lit, some people were outside talking to their friends and there were people playing their music out there.

"You live here?" Neymar asked.

Lara blushed and nodded, "It's not really the nicest place, but it's good enough for me." she said.

Neymar didn't say anything as they entered the place. Since the apartment only had a few levels, people mostly took the stairs instead of the lift since the lift was pretty faulty.

Lara and Neymar stayed quiet as they walked up the stairs. They reached the last floor and Neymar expected Lara to lead him to her room so they could talk, but instead she kept walking.

"Where are we going?" Neymar asked.

Lara shushed him and they walked to the furthest end of the hallway and Lara opened a door, which led to more stairs. "After you." Lara smiled.

Neymar chuckled and climbed up the stairs, Lara following closely behind. After they finished climbing the stairs, Lara pushed open the door where the stairs led to.

She entered the door first before Neymar followed along with her. He expected another room - an attic, maybe. But instead he stepped out onto the rooftop of the building.

The cold Barcelona night air whipped around them, making Neymar shiver as he walked towards the edge of the building.

You could almost see all of Barcelona from the apartment building. It was in the heart of the city, so everything he wanted to see could be seen. He could even see Camp Nou (but it looked like a speck from where he was standing.)

"This is amazing." Neymar breathed out, looking at Lara who nodded with a smile. "You come here often?"

"Yeah, I do," she sighed, "When I need to think and all that jazz. Nobody really goes up here, actually." She said before sitting down on the floor. Lara patted the space next to her and Neymar quickly sat down.

"So, what do you want to know?" Neymar asked.

Lara leaned back and bit her lip, "Siblings?"

Neymar nodded quickly, "A little sister. Her name is Rafaella, she's currently in Brazil but she comes visit whenever she can."

Lara nodded understandingly, she remembered seeing some photos of him with his sister in his house. "What about you?"

"I have a big sister and a little sister," she said, looking down at her hands to pick at her blue nail polish. "Gabriella and Adriana."

"Where are they now?" Neymar asked.

Lara shook her head, "That's another question, Ney. It's my turn now." She said, darting away from the topic. She quickly asked him another question and thankfully, Neymar didn't question her about her family anymore.

They spent nearly the whole night playing 20 Questions (it probably turned into 100 questions by now) and they got to know each other a lot more.

At the end of the night, Neymar got up and brushed some dust off his pants before helping Lara up. "Hey, there's this really big game that I'm playing in a few days. Do you think you could come to support me? I have two tickets so you can bring a friend along with you if you want to."

Lara furrowed her brows, staring into Neymar's hazel green eyes. She was afraid that she would get too attached to him and she'd get pulled in to a hell of a whirlwind, but she just couldn't say no to him.

"Sure, I'd love to." Lara said quietly, still holding on to Neymar's forearms.

Neymar grinned happily, "Awesome. It's an El Clasico, so there's going to be a lot of people and everything. But I'll send you the tickets tomorrow - it's going to be in Camp Nou so it won't be too far away."

Lara weakly nodded, not knowing what else to say to him. He looked adorable when he was happy, and she was just glad that she was the reason behind his smile right now.

They walked back down the stairs and she walked him outside his apartment before giving him a hug, shying away from him the small peck on the cheek that he was about to give her.

After he left, she ran up to her apartment and closed the door shut before sliding down the door and clamping a hand over her mouth.

"What the hell just happened?"


i havent updated in 900 years but hey its finally here :)

i hope u liked this chapter! theres lots to come in the next one

happy reading lovelies!xx

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