Chapter Five - The Battle is ON!

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Chapter Five.

That Saturday afternoon a nice big crowd, much bigger then Eric had expected turned out thanks to Jerrica and her friends' seriously promoting the contest to the TV stations, radio stations and all the newspapers to come and the radio stations promoted it heavily during the night and the morning till the time for the concert was held.

Jerrica smiled from her hidden location in the woods. With a touch of her earring, she transformed into Jem and had Jerrica watching from the side lines of their stage that they put together themselves and with the help of Rio, who had wondered earlier where the lead singer was at. Jerrica told him that she'll be here shortly. Rio stood on the opposite side of the stage, never realizing that the Jerrica he was seeing was a hologram and the real Jerrica was currently waiting for Eric to announce her band as he couldn't get Lindsey Pierce at so short of notice, when in fact, he never did call her.

Jem looked at Kimber on the keyboards and whispered, "I cannot believe that Eric didn't get more bands to compete in his Battle of the Bands. This is actually embarrassing. Four bands and three of them are not that really good at all."

"I know, and that he said that Lindsey couldn't come at so short of notice, Jem. Seriously, I don't even think he called her. He wanted the duty for himself." Kimber snapped back.

"I know, but his time will end shortly. I promise you that, Kimber." Jem replied, as she turned to look at Eric on the main stage.

Eric stood at the microphone and smiled his devious smile as he spoke in a loud voice, looking at all of the members in the crowd. "Welcome to Starlight Music's first annual Battle of the Bands! This is the preliminaries! I present to you the first band of the contest – The Limp Lizards!"

The crowd cheered when they stopped singing, they were okay, not that great but they did have some talent, Jerrica thought to herself as she looked towards the band, before her attention was drawn to a female biker band that was now on the stage meant for them next to the Limp Lizards.

"Here is the second band of the contest – The Leatherettes!" Announced Eric, as he waved his hand towards the band.

The racket that came from them made most of the crowd start to boo at them. Few of the crowd started to walk away from the concert grumbling about that the bands that were up there was not great or good at all, just mediocre at best. Some did walk by Jem and The Hologram stage, where Jem asked them to remain as there was one band that sounded really good and it would be to their best interest if they remained and bore it out. They decided to remain just to see that band as they told Jem.

Eric announced the Space Cadets, who played almost as bad as the Leatherettes. But when the Misfits took the stage, all of Eric's people started to cheer, which made it sound like the Misfits were the better of the previous bands before them.

Eric ignored Jerrica's band and started to announce the winner of the contest, when Jem signaled the others to start playing, interrupting Eric's announcing of the winner, which made him pissed off to say the least as he swore into the microphone and to the shock of the Misfits.

After Jem and the Holograms finished playing the entire song, Eric stormed through the crowd. Jem walked off the stage to get some water and as soon as she was hidden behind the screen, she dropped the image and reappeared as Jerrica, she grabbed the envelope. She made sure that there was another hologram of Jem with a water bottle in hand sipping it.

Eric glared at Jerrica and snapped. "What the fuck are you doing, Jerrica? The Misfits won this concert! They are supposed to be the winners, you bitch!"

Jerrica kept the microphone low to where he didn't even notice what he was airing his complaint over the speakers. "Eric, please read the items in this envelope out loud." Handing him the envelope that contained her father's will and his signed paper that said that he sold his shares of Starlight Music back to Emmett six months before he died.

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