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It had now been several years since the four had witnessed the tragedy that led to the deaths of more than 250,000 people including Carla and Mr

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It had now been several years since the four had witnessed the tragedy that led to the deaths of more than 250,000 people including Carla and Mr. Arlert. By now they had grown up, they were 15 years old, they had grown in height and matured inside. Reo had grown more and more beautiful, her curly black hair reached just below her ears, she had the same number of freckles on her cheeks, her eyelashes that protected her emerald green eyes had grown longer, her soft features had they were marked and she was 168cm tall. Many observed her and admired her beauty, often several boys (and unfortunately also older and mature men) courted her, asked her out or simply asked her name and then complimented her. She was no longer a child and obviously, even her "shapes" had grown, her chest had developed a lot and certainly did not go unnoticed. As polite as she was, she chased everyone away mercilessly but in reality there wasn't even a need because whenever Eren smelled some boy in sight, he threatened him or sent him away by force. At times it felt like she had a bodyguard, deep down she was happy with this protective and jealous side of him, she hoped he reciprocated her feelings. Speaking of Eren, he had grown a lot, his physique became more muscular and his features also became marked. Reo liked to observe him and admire his beauty, she loved getting lost in his big teal-colored eyes, she observed his rosy lips and imagined drawing the outline with her fingers. The two observed each other a lot, they didn't take their eyes off each other.
Now they stood side by side in the scorching sun listening to Shadis' screams as he frightened the new recruits.
"hey, damned!" he had aimed at Armin
"yes sir!"
"you, damned, who are you?"
"I'm Armin Arlert and I'm from Shiganshina District!"
"What a silly name. Did your parents choose it for you?"
"grandfather chose it for me!"
Reo felt a little sorry for Armin but admitted that she found the situation a little funny, she turned to Eren and saw that he too had an amused smile on his face. Shadis spared very few, among the unfortunates under that pressure were Thomas Wagner, Mina Carolina, Jean Kirschstein (whom Reo found interesting and the type to tease to tears), Marco Bodt, Connie Springer (looked like a lot of fun) , a girl eating a potato and others whose names Reo couldn't remember.

It was dinner time and everyone was in the dining room eating. Surrounding Eren and Reo were a group of people interested in knowing what Eren had seen 5 years ago.
"I repeat that I really saw it..."
"How big was he?"
"enough to peek out from the walls"
"what did he look like?"
"it was almost completely skinless and with a huge mouth"
"and the armored titan?"
"that's how it's called but to me it looked like a normal titan"
"and what does a normal titan look like?" at this point something in Eren snapped, he covered his mouth and seemed about to cry. Reo quickly dropped the spoon she was eating with and put a hand on his arm. Marco turned to the small crowd and told them "now stop asking questions, guys. There are things he doesn't want to remember, don't you think?" "Sorry if we bothered you..."
Eren recovering ate a piece of bread and yelled "You misunderstood! titans aren't really that big of a deal! Once we get used to using the 3D Movement equipment we will have the advantage! I finally get the chance to train as a soldier...First I let an unexpected emotion overwhelm me, that's all. I will join the research corps and wipe out the titans from this world! I'll kill them all...those-"
"hey hey, are you sure you're sane? did you just say you want to join the research corps or am I wrong?" It was Jean who spoke, Reo smelled feud.
"Yes exactly, why? You said you wanted to join the gendarmerie corps and have an easy life, right?"
"because I am a frank and honest person. It seems to me that I am more honest than someone who pretends to be intrepid when in reality deep down he trembles with fear."
Eren stood up and glaring at him asked "Are you talking about me?"
Jean stood up too "hey, hey, I didn't mean to insinuate anything in particular..." suddenly the bell rang.
Thank goodness Reo thought
Jean, who was much taller than Eren, tried to close the matter, held out his hand and said "come on I'm sorry. I have absolutely no intention of questioning your thinking. We consider the matter closed."
"All right. I apologize, too." Eren slapped his hand off and walked out. Reo was following him but was stopped by someone. It was Jean. With his face red with embarrassment he said "sorry...you're really beautiful...you have wonderful hair and a harmonious face" She looked at him for a moment, raised an eyebrow and impassively replied "thank you" and went away leaving Jean still in the same spot as if it was frozen.
Eren was waiting for her outside, as soon as she arrived he made an angry expression and snapped "What did he tell you? I saw that he spoke to you." Reo sighed and imitated him repeated the same words that Jean had used. Eren got pissed "how dare him! Stay away from him"
Reo decided to tease him a bit "what if I don't?" he looked her up and down "what? do you like him?"
"Would it be a problem if I liked him?"
say yes...
Eren didn't like that answer "you know what? Go ahead to him, I'm going to bed" and without waiting for her answer he went towards the cabin where the males slept. Reo stood there for a few minutes, she had gone too far... now fear coursed through her body
what if he stayed angry? Reo didn't want this, she was afraid of being alone and it was also night now. The night had always made her anxious, she had trouble falling asleep, she was tormented by nightmares and now she was afraid that the person most important to her hated her. She went to bed hoping to sleep.

It was morning, the recruits were together with Shadis. Reo hadn't spoken to Eren yet, she'd just had a few chats over breakfast with Mikasa and Armin. Now she was balancing on a three-dimensional movement contraption. She hadn't experienced the slightest difficulty. When they let her down the scenery before her eyes seemed surreal as it was, Eren was upside down and dangling.

"Don't focus on the idea that you have to do it. The important thing is to pay attention to the balance and slowly put the weight on the harness around the hips and in the back of the legs." Mikasa was explaining to Eren how to keep his balance, it was just the four of them. Armin spoke "if you try more calmly you'll succeed"
"and that's fine, this time I feel I'll make it. Bring it up Armin." Armin nodded and started pulling, but as soon as Eren got up he fell to the ground hitting his head.

In the evening after eating together Eren and Armin went off on their own, Reo went out hoping to meet Eren, she wanted to apologize to him and make sure he didn't hate her or think she seriously liked Jean. But she couldn't find him and that made her very sad
what if it was worth nothing to him? She began to cry alone in the dark, it was also cold, she sat down on the ground and put her arms on her knees and her head on her arms. An hour had passed and she was still there crying, she was so tormented that she didn't notice some steps approaching her.
"Reo?" frightened Reo raised her head and in front of her there was Eren, who had a very worried face. He sat next to her and stroked her cheek "hey...what's up?" she started crying again, making him worry even more. "hey what's going on?"
"I'm afraid..."
"afraid of what?"
"that you hate me and that you'll leave me alone...I'm too scared" he immediately held her to him and began to stroke her hair "why do you think I would do such a thing" From how they stood Reo could hear his heartbeat , was pounding...while she was wetting his shirt she came out with the words "why don't you talk to me...today I couldn't find you and yesterday I bothered you..."
"sorry, today I was with Reiner and Berthold...I made a mistake...it's just...it's just I was jealous here..."
"Jealous?" Eren covered his face from the blush on his face, he didn't know if he was blushing from what he was saying or from how close Reo was to him "yes, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you feel bad, believe me" Reo put a hand on his chest and raised her head to look at him "so you don't hate me" he looked at her as if she were the only thing in the world that existed at that moment "you are the most important person to me, I could never hate you"
They stood for a few seconds so looking at himself, Reo's eyes were watery but she had stopped crying. It seemed to Eren that they glowed. Suddenly Reo yawned making Eren laugh "Are you sleepy?" embarrassed Reo answered him "a bit..." after all it was quite late and the night before she had managed to sleep only two hours. She wished she could sleep out there in Eren's arms. "let's go to sleep, tomorrow I have the test"
ah true...the test...Reo forgot about it for a moment. As they stood up and walked towards the staterooms Reo took his hands and said "you'll make it...I'll be there to look at you" He smiled softly at her "yes...look at me, I'll make it for you" Eren walked over and gave her a small sweet kiss on the cheek and then run away and yelled "goodnight!".
Reo stood there for a few minutes touching her cheek where Eren had kissed it. She wasn't going to sleep tonight either

It was time for the test, Reo was a little nervous but she knew inside herself that Eren would make it. She watched closely as Instructor Shadis and the others pulled Eren up. Eren was in balance
he made it!
Everyone was getting excited when suddenly Eren fell "no don't tell me..." She was sure he would make it when the instructor Shadis spoke "pull him down. Wagner swap your harness for Jaeger's" so done they pulled it back up. Now Eren was balancing quietly
oh i got it,there was a flaw in Eren's harness! Eren had a triumphant smile on his face and looked at Reo proudly. Reiner spoke "one way or another things worked out huh?", Armin added "with his eyes he's saying "what do you think?"!" it was Mikasa who answered him "you're wrong! He's thinking that now he won't risk separating from Reo, he's reassured"

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