Fantasies in Daylight

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Chapter 5
Fantasies in Daylight

I barely heard the lively debate happening around me. Even when I felt my lecturer look my way, I could only muster up enough energy to appear mildly interested in what my classmates were saying. Normally I was more than happy to add my voice, but I was too distracted today.

Besides, Dana was holding their own well enough without me anyway. Their voice was steady, their arguments precise and clear, full of facts and figures that always caused their verbal sparring partners to stumble. Others might look at Dana's rainbow coloured hair, bright pink hoodie and youthful face, and wave them off, but I had the feeling they were well on their way to earning a place in politics once they graduated. I still had no idea what it was I wanted to do when my final year was up.

When the lecturer managed to calm everyone down from arguing the pros and cons of Scotland considering a general living allowance, it was to remind us about the dreaded deadline for our final assignment. It was an optional class, covering politics, world news, the vibrantly changing views on gender identity and much more, and it didn't hold much sway over my degree; but besides the fact it would look good on my CV, I wanted to be aware of what was going on in the world because I'd spent years knowing nothing.

Hell, I'd never met anyone like Dana before I'd stepped foot in this class. My parents were well-off, an old family with old money and outdated opinions that I'd never questioned in my youth. Nearly everyone I'd ever come into contact with before Uni came from a similar backgrounds as me, with similar beliefs.

I felt shame to admit I once held their beliefs as my own too.

Until Laura.

She'd made sure I had a reality check when I moved in. She'd shown me the truth of the world we lived in, the beauty in our differences, and made me face up to my own ignorance. In fact, she'd actually been the one to suggest I take this class.

A class I might as well have missed today for all I'd taken in.

I was too busy fiddling with the length of silk hidden in the pocket of my cardigan, the fingers of my other hand absentmindedly brushing over my bottom lip, searching for proof that what happend last night was real. There wasn't so much as a stinging cut, no trace or proof that Taran had been close enough to nip at my lip, never mind draw blood. But he had, and I'd replayed the moment over and over and over again. . . most vividly in bed last night with my eyes squeezed shut and vibrator in hand. . .

What if he'd kissed me instead of that teasing nip? What if he'd done what the look in his eyes had hungered for when I'd glanced, both shocked and aroused over my shoulder at him after he'd spanked me?

The screeching of chairs and the thud of shoes shocked me out of my fantasy.

Good. Class was finally over.

Snapping my notepad shut, I grabbed my bag and escaped the classroom before anyone could stop me for conversation.

Outside the University building hosting mostly politically inclined lectures, students made use of the expanse of lush green grass rolling down towards a small loch glittering like liquid silver under the burning sun. Most students sought shelter from the blistering heat under the sweeping willow trees, while others lay out as if they were having a day on the beach.

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