The First Bite

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Ever done something you never thought you would? There's a first time for everything...

Chapter 8 – The First Bite


That one word, uttered on a breathy whisper, felt like sealing my fate.
The triumph taking over Taran’s features lit a flame in me as much as it terrified me. When he pulled my towel covered body impossibly closer to his, his lips so close to mine I could feel the raggedness of his breathing on my skin, that flame burned all the brighter, heating my flesh as my hand trailed down his muscled chest.

“Good girl.”

He kissed me roughly. One hand clamped on my hip, the other cupping the back of my head, he kept me in place as he took what he wanted without holding back. His teeth claimed flesh, leaving my lips swollen and stinging, soothed by the swipe of his tongue.

I’d never been kissed like this before.
So thoroughly that I believed he’d been wanting to kiss me this whole time as much as I had him. My lips followed his eagerly and I gripped onto his shirt to keep me steady on my feet, positive I was drowning on him as my head swam.

“Breathe.” Taran chuckled, his hand stroking down damp hair to linger near my throat.

Breathe. How did one do that again?

Especially after kissing their boss. And a vampire at that. God. What had I agreed to exactly? I wasn’t entirely sure I was convinced Taran wouldn’t transform before my eyes and drain me dry, how could I be standing here letting him kiss me.

The release of built up anticipation, the throb of arousal, and terror, and exhaustion, and pain, it all broiled and bubbled inside until once again I was left a trembling mess.

Taran’s demeanour changed immediately.

The second the protection of cold clarity fell over me, and before my own emotions would drive me insane, he guided me gently out of the bathroom and sat me on the bed.

“Take a minute to yourself, Little Mouse. Laura will be here soon with clothes for you, and by the time you’re dressed, I’ll have food ready for you downstairs. Then you can sleep. Tomorrow you’ll wake up and feel better.”

Would I?

“Maybe you want to talk about what happened last night?” he added when I didn’t reply to him.

“No. I don’t want to think about it.”

“You’ll have to eventually, Sorcha.”

We would see about that.

The defiance in my gaze as I dared look up made him smirk, but tension lingered around his eyes as he studied me. He was worried.

“Shout if you need anything. I’ll hear you.” He nodded to the glass of water on the bedside table as he hovered in the doorway. “Drink it all before you come down to eat. That’s an order.”

“I’m not on shift. You can’t order me about.”

He chuckled, a dark sound that made my insides clench. “It’s an order from me as your Dom, Little Mouse, not your boss. You’ll do well to do as your told or you’ll feel the sting of my palm on your ass again rather soon.”

He looked even more pleased when all I could do was choke out something unintelligible with cheeks burning hot pink. The promise of another spanking made my legs clamp together. I wasn’t so naive to not know what a Dom was, but I was obviously naive enough not to realise that was what I’d agreed to. Taran waited another moment until my eyes met his again, and when I didn’t protest, or take back my earlier agreement, he gently shut the bedroom door behind him and left me alone to my stuttering thoughts.

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