A Night to Remember

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This is a long one 😪

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Slàinte mhath - cheers/good health (slanj-eh vah)

Chapter 6 - A Night to Remember

My first proper work shift would have been a triumph, an enjoyable one at that, if it weren't for the insufferable sun determined to give everyone heat stroke. . .and the dreaded way the night ended.

Ness hated the sun, I'd concluded after a day spent working beside him. If a customer had to be served drinks near one of the windows that weren't blacked out, he made me do it, and if something needed put in the massive industrial bin outside, that was my job too. Towards the end of my shift when the blackboard had to be taken in from outside, Ness had looked at me. Cait, the only other woman I'd seen working at the pub, rolled her eyes and put her hands on her hips.

"Have you actually done any work today, Ness?"

He grinned. "I've poured the drinks and taken the money."

She rolled her eyes again, then motioned for me to follow her.

The blackboard was nearly as tall as me, the blue chalk in loopy lettering reminding passers-by melting in the heat that a glass of ice water was free inside.

"Unclip it from that hook there," she guided, pointing to the metal hook drilled into the pub wall, connected to the board by a small metal chain. "You'd be surprised what teens try to nick."

I believed her. When I first moved to the city, more than once I'd been caught off guard by a group of howling teens carrying traffic cones, pushing stolen trolleys, and even turning around sign posts.

It was easy enough to unclip and fold up, but carrying it would be a pain. I rested it against the wall when I realised Cait was in no hurry to return inside.

Wiping sweat from my brow, I straightened up and groaned. I swore I could feel my skin reddening after only a few seconds in the sun. A cool breeze gave a brief moment of relief. Cait and I both sighed, then laughed at our synchronization.

She plucked a cigarette out, offering me one and tucking them back into her jeans when I shook my head. I leaned against the wall beside her anyway, one foot propped up while I tilted my face up into the sun with a lazy smile. It would disappear behind the houses soon as it dragged into evening, but at this time of year, it was only really dark from 11pm till 3am the next morning.

"How are you enjoying your first shift?" Cait asked, her short stature meaning she had to lean to the side to look at me properly.

"It's been good. Busy and sweltering, but good. I like to be kept moving." I grinned. "Can't lie though, I'm looking forward to going home to sit in front of the freezer."

Cait barked a laugh. "Why do you think I keep going into the store room? The fridge has been helping me get through the day! You've done well though, really. Wren doesn't think you'll manage to keep up with club nights if you're needed, but I think you'll be fine."

"Thanks, Cait." I appreciated that more than she knew.

She smiled. Then her eyes darted to the silken choker around my neck.

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